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Dra.  Moya Sanchez, Daissy Hatblathy

Personal page

Brief CV

Bachelor's degree in Tourism and Hotel Business Administration from Externado University of Colombia, Specialist in information and communication technologies for education, specialist in university education, specialist in project management for education, Master's degree in Education from Universidad Libre de Colombia, Ph.D. in Tourism from the University of Girona & University of the Balearic Islands, and Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Girona.

In 1998, she joined the District Secretary of Education in Bogotá, where she worked as a Computer Science and Technology teacher, obtaining second place in the category Best Development Experience awarded by the District Mayor's Office to the best teachers in the city in 2007.

From 2000 to 2022, she worked at the Externado University of Colombia, teaching technology classes applied to the tourism sector. In 2010, she designed and implemented the first virtual course at the university; in 2014, She designed and implemented the Diploma in Digital Marketing for Hotels in in-person and virtual modalities. From 2011 to 2015, She taught pedagogy classes to the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Business Administration professors and was part of the Board of Directors from 2017 to 2022.

In 2010, with the Foundation for Social Advancement, she won the tender to support the "Colegios Amigos del Turismo" Program of the Vice Ministry of Tourism of Colombia, designing programs to teach Tourism from Preschool to senior grade in the country's state schools, providing training to teachers, students, parents, and municipal leaders.

From 2012 to 2014, with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany, she provided training in Information and Communication Technologies applied to Tourism to the Ministry of Tourism of Cuba and its affiliated entities.

Since 2014, She has been the director of the Colombia Chapter of the Ibero-American Network of Science, Nature, and Tourism (RECINATUR).

Since 2015, she has been linked to the GHL Hotel Chain, initially as a Ph.D. in Tourism intern, then as a Virtual Training Leader, a position in which she designed virtual courses for more than 5000 employees of the Chain in 60 hotels in 11 countries in Latin America. She is currently an associate researcher, a position that she holds ad honorem and that allows her not only to have access to the Chain's information in real-time to carry out her research but also to create a bridge between the academy and the productive sector, contributing to the transfer of knowledge permanently.

In 2019 and 2021, she worked with the Universidad Libre to construct and validate questions for the written tests presented by those interested in joining government tourism positions in Colombia.

She is developing her postdoctoral research at the University of Girona with a scholarship funded by the European Union, the Spanish Ministry of Universities, and the University of Girona (María Zambrano fellowship). She belongs to the Department of Organization, Business Management, and Product Design. She is part of the Tourism Research Institute (INSETUR) and the Multidisciplinary Tourism Research Laboratory (LMRT).

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