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P&G Brussels

We are looking for graduate, or Master students in the field of Engineering (Chemical/ Mechanical/Electrical/Automation engineering) , Life Science (Chemistry, Biochemistry) and Computer science (Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Automation) that have passion for winning, creativity, innovation, initiative, communication, leadership and the ability to work with others.

Projects assigned are in the Research & Development area, so mainly tasks combine laboratory experiments, use of equipment with data analysis and reporting/communicating results. It is expected that trainees formulate hypothesis and make recommendations. Trainees will work on their own project as part of a Global project team, having the opportunity to put their technical skills to work on intellectually challenging problems. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to improve their team working and soft skills through practical experience and interactive training courses, and they will learn to work effectively with people of different nationalities and cultural backgrounds.


You can find more information in these documents: Presentation Erasmus June 24 and Proposal Erasmus Traineeship P&G Brussels -June 2024

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