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Curs acadèmic:
Treball de final de màster.


Grup J

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:

Grup S

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB7 - Que els estudiants sàpiguen aplicar els coneixements adquirits i la seva capacitat de resolució de problemes en entorns nous o no familiars i en contextos més amplis (o multidisciplinaris) relacionats amb la seva àrea d'estudi
  • CB8 - Que els estudiants siguin capaços d'integrar coneixements i enfrontar-se a la complexitat de formular judicis a partir d'una informació que, sent incompleta o limitada, inclogui reflexions sobre les responsabilitats socials i ètiques vinculades a l'aplicació dels seus coneixements i judicis
  • CB9 - Que els estudiants sàpiguen comunicar les seves conclusions i els coneixements i raons últimes que les sustenten a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats
  • CE62- Capacitat per revisar críticament, avaluar i aplicar una sèrie de tècniques avançades d'anàlisi d'imatges mèdiques i de diagnòstic assistit per ordinador
  • CE63- Experiència pràctica en el desenvolupament de sistemes d'anàlisi d'imatge mèdiques
  • CE64- Experiència pràctica de treball en projectes i gestió de persones
  • CE65- Experiència pràctica del treball en equip amb terminis molt estrictes de temps

Altres Competències

  • CS1: Critical understanding of the principal theories, concepts and tools underpinning the domain of computer vision and signal and image analysis applied to the medical imaging and CAD development and its clinical applications
  • CS2: Extensive, detailed and critical understanding of at least one specialist area within the domain, incorporating awareness of current issues and research.
  • CS7: Develop a critical understanding of the applications of medical image analysis in a clinical practice, as well as their scope and performance.
  • TS1: Abilities to critically understand and apply relevant theories and technologies to develop analytical and design skills.
  • TS2: Develop and utilise advanced problem-solving skills and techniques in the development of original and creative solutions for general and specialist issues.
  • TS5: Plan and to execute a significant project of research, investigation or development in a specialist area, demonstrating extensive, detailed and critical understanding of that specialism.
  • TS8: Work autonomously and within teams, as appropriate, demonstrating a capability for both taking and critically reflecting on roles and responsibilities
  • TS9: Develop and demonstrate skills and techniques in communication with peers and academic/industrial staff, using a range of appropriate methods to suit different levels of knowledge and expertise within the audience.
  • TS12: The ability to work in teams and to overcome and take advantage of the cultural hurdles that often challenge professionals working in international or interdisciplinary teams with colleagues of differing professional and cultural backgrounds.


1. Tesi de màster


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 0 600,00 0 600,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 0 40,00 0 40,00
Exposició dels estudiants 1,00 19,00 0 20,00
Tutories de grup 90,00 0 0 90,00
Total 91,00 659,00 0 750


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    Development of the master thesis Daily follow-up of the work and achievement of the proposed objectives. 40 No
    Report of the master thesis The evaluation is carried out by an independent reviewer. 30 No
    VIVA defense Defence in front of a panel of three experts. 30 No


    The master thesis will be evaluated using the following incomings:
    a. Supervisor (40%). The supervisor will evaluate the work of the student in terms of quality, management, performance, and the dissertation document.
    b. Second Reader (30%). The dissertation document will be evaluated by a second reader belonging to one of the universities of the consortium. The assignment will be done by the Academic Board according to the topic and expertise of the reader.
    c. VIVA assessment (30%). The examination board will evaluate the oral presentation (presentation skills, structure, results, methodology, etc.) and the questions answered by the student.

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
    "No Presentat" will be given to a student not attending the VIVA.

    Avaluació única:
    The master thesis will be evaluated using the following incomings:
    a. Supervisor (40%). The supervisor will evaluate the work of the student in terms of quality, management, performance, and the dissertation document.
    b. Second Reader (30%). The dissertation document will be evaluated by a second reader belonging to one of the universities of the consortium. The assignment will be done by the Academic Board according to the topic and expertise of the reader.
    c. VIVA assessment (30%). The examination board will evaluate the oral presentation (presentation skills, structure, results, methodology, etc.) and the questions answered by the student.

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    A minimum grade of 5/10 will be required to be considered to have passed the subject.


    Before you can start working on your Master's thesis, the general rule is that all other courses needed to complete your degree must be completed in advance. In certain cases, students can be allowed to begin their thesis work with remaining courses. In such cases, the students must send a written application to the faculty, asking to begin their thesis work even with remaining courses. The application must be signed by the student's thesis supervisor, confirming that the remaining course(s) will not affect the student's ability to complete the thesis. Please note that:
    • No more than 2 remaining courses are allowed.
    • The remaining course(s) cannot be of significant importance to the student's thesis work.
    • Any compulsory field work in the student's programme must be completed.

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