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Mr.   Serra Salamé, Carles

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Polítiques, Programes i Serveis Educatius i Socioculturals (GRES)


Lecturer in History
Coordinator of Pedagogy Studies (Faculty of Education and Psychology)
Member of the Research Group in Educational and Sociocultural Policies, Programmes and Services (GRES)
His teaching work is mainly carried out at the Faculty of Education and Psychology. His activity focuses on two areas: the anthropology of education and the Western Sahara. A noteworthy contribution to the first area is his book Antropologia de l'educació. L'etnografia i l'estudi de les relacions interètniques en l'àmbit de l'educació (2002), a university manual that presents the fundamental interests, theories and debates of the anthropology of education. Subsequently, he has focused his interests on the analysis of interethnic relations in the field of education, specifically on the analysis of identity discourses and the forms of violence and racism that occur between the students of a Catalan secondary school. This research line has led to a doctoral thesis, along with some of his most interesting publications. More recently, he has worked on an analysis of the academic careers of students who are members of immigrant families, commissioned by the Jaume Bofill Foundation. His specialisation in the analysis of educational issues related to the presence of immigrant pupils in our schools led to his appointment as Director of the 4th Conference on Immigration in Spain (2004). As regards the Western Sahara, since 1994 he has worked with a team of archaeologists and anthropologists from the UdG in the research and cooperation project entitled Identification, Documentation and Evaluation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Western Sahara. As a result of this work, the National Museum of the Saharan People has been set up, located in the Saharan refugee camps of Tinduf (Algeria) and a book has been published: Sàhara Occidental. Passat i present d'un poble (1999), along with several articles

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