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Mr.   Calbó Angrill, Josep

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental

Brief CV

Josep Calbó Angrill (Barcelona, 1965) graduated in Physics from the University of Barcelona, UB (1988) and obtained the PhD from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, UPC (1993). He has been a postdoctoral researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT, USA) and a visiting scholar at other institutions in the United States (PNNL, NOAA), Australia (USQ), New Zealand (NIWA) and Russia (HydroMET). He is a professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Girona, UdG. He has been Director of the Institute of Environment of UdG (2000-2003), and has directed the PhD and Masters in Environment. He has also served as Vice-rector of Research and Transfer (2008-2013). Currently he acts as Vice-rector for Strategic Projects (2018-).

He takes part of the Environmental Physics Group, and focuses his research on radiation in the atmosphere and the interactions between radiation, clouds and aerosols, in the context of the current problem of climate change. He also has interests on renewable energy sources (wind, solar) and the regionalization of climate projections. He has participated in about 20 research projects, having directed 10 of these, he has published more than 50 papers in scientific journals, more than 20 book chapters and has presented over 102 papers at international conferences. In addition, to date he has directed seven doctoral theses.

His teaching experience spans over 20 years, during which he has taught especially Fundamentals of Physics of various engineering studies. He has coordinated the subject of Meteorology and Climatology within the studies of Environmental Sciences. At postgraduate level, he has participated in doctorate courses, and especially in Master courses, both at the University of Girona (Master of Environment, Master of Environmental Change: analysis and management) and at UB (Master in Ecology , Management and Restoration of Natural Environment) and UPC (Master in Environmental Engineering).

Member of the Expert Group on Climate Change in Catalonia, member of the Advisory Board of the Meteorological Service of Catalonia and editor of "Tethys, journal of meteorology and climatology of the Mediterranean". Member of the Specific Commission of Assessment in the field of Sciences, of AQU Catalonia (2015-2018). 

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