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INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP - Urban Resilience in the post-covid city


Oriol Porcel, Mita Castañer
Universitat de Girona
Data de publicació:
Idioma / format:
anglès / / 30 pàgines
This publication presents the main results of the international workshop Urban Resilience in the post-covid city, which was held between November 14, 2020 and January 16, 2021 and organized by the University of Girona’s Chair of Geography and Territorial Thinking, with the support of the same University’s Social Council. The workshop was part of the European Master’s in Policy and Planning for Cities, Environment and Landscape (PPCEL), with the participation of the University of Girona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, the IUAV of Venice, the University of Sassari and the University of Lisbon. The main aims of the workshop were to conduct an in-depth analysis of how cities reacted to the global pandemic of Covid-19 during 2020 and propose measures to make cities healthier, sustainable, inclusive, safe and resilient places in order to be able to cope with any future social health crises that would add to the already existing global socio-environmental crisis affecting all cities around the world. These proposals needed to be framed from the point of view of urban governance, urban planning, and social dynamism and private initiative.

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