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Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Dissenyar i aplicar processos i estratègies comunicatives en els diversos àmbits de treball, seleccionant i utilitzant les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades
  • Desenvolupar la capacitat de diagnosticar i resoldre problemes mitjançant la recerca d'informació de diferents fonts per tal de prendre les decisions més encertades
  • Fomentar el treball en equip, promovent actituds de col · laboració, consens, negociació, resolució de conflictes i respecte a les opinions alienes, al mateix temps que la capacitat d'argumentar i defensar opinions pròpies
  • Identificar i saber aplicar bones pràctiques en relació amb el clima social
  • Identificar i seleccionar documentació jurídica actualitzada mitjançant la utilització de bases de dades jurídiques i compendis legislatius


1. Introduction to HR management. Definition of HR. Functions of HR. HR in the Hostelry & Tourism Sector. Introducing management by competencies: Main competences of the workforce of a hotel (including HR department).

2. Recruitment. Job planning: a) Three stages of job needs. b) Job profile diagram. Recruitment procedure. Selecting precisely: Personality test (Eneagram, SYU)

3. Administrative tasks. Hiring: a) Contracts in hospitality. b) Rights and obligations of employee. c) Rights and obligations of employer. d) Hiring procedure. Schedules: a) Elements. b) Templates and procedure.

4. Remuneration & Payroll. Remuneration: a) Pay components. b) Methods. c) Salary structure. Payroll calculation: a) Legal Vs illegal discounts. b) Gross salary. c) Taxes: S.S. & I.R.P.F. d) Net salary. e) Programs and software for payroll calculation.

5. Training. Importance of training. Types of trainings. Training procedure. Calculating training profitability: Learning curve.

6. Motivation. Theories of motivation. How to measure work environment. Levels of engagement by Allen and Meyer.

7. Developing. Differences between training and developing. Calculating job performance in a hotel: a) KPI. b) Measurement. Developing program: Procedure.

8. Structure of Human Resources. Organizational Theories: a) Classical. b) Neoclassical. c) Systemic. Hierarchy, matrix, holocracy.

9. Leadership & Teamwork. French and Ravens' forms of power. Management styles. Difference between leader and manager. Evolution of leadership.

10. Disciplinary actions & conciliation. Rules and regulations: a) Handbook. b) Code of conduct. Managing conflicts. Negotiation with Unions. Disciplinary actions: Terminations agreement.

11. Corporate social responsibility. Concept. Importance in hospitality. Main pillars. Diversity management: Diversity components and types. Generational diversity.

12. Final review. Overall review of each topic. Questions and clarifications. Exam simulation.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 2,50 4,00 6,50
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 15,00 15,00
Debat 0,50 3,00 3,50
Elaboració individual de treballs 0 6,00 6,00
Exposició dels estudiants 1,50 0 1,50
Prova d'avaluació 2,00 3,00 5,00
Resolució d'exercicis 3,00 2,00 5,00
Sessió expositiva 4,00 10,00 14,00
Sessió participativa 16,50 8,00 24,50
Sessió pràctica 3,00 0 3,00
Simulacions 1,00 3,00 4,00
Treball en equip 4,00 7,00 11,00
Tutories de grup 1,00 0 1,00
Total 39,00 61,00 100


  • Douglas McGregor (1960). The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill. Recuperat , a
  • Argyris, C. (1990). Overcoming Organizational Defenses: Facilitating Organizational Learning. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Executive communication Group. Volume II, Issue 3 (2004). . Recuperat , a
  • DESDE Coach & Consulting (2016). Notes Management abilities. Barcelona: -.
  • Spanish Labour office (2017). Guide_7_16_4. Barcelona: -.
  • Robert Cialdini (1984). Influence, the psychology of persuasion. Scott Foresman and Company .

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Hilton Code of conduct.
Delivery of a formal written assessment. 7
Managing by competencies. Control performance by knowing exactly what does dth task need. Writing and oral assessments. 7
Motivation (three theories).
Hiring process.
Oral debate. Criteria:
use of conciliating tools.
Calculate payroll.
Describe termination procedure.

Writing assessment. 9
Is teamwork always necessary?
Importance of diversity management.
Presentations by students. Description of the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork.
List of reasons why diversity is an advantage.
Exam. Writing assessment. 40
Calculating Payroll. Calculate gross and net wage, taxes and other deductions. Assessment resolution. 8
Conciliation. Union Leader Vs HH.RR. Leader. Apply conciliating techniques in a Labour conflict between employees and company. Oral presentation.
Criteria: applying correctly different styles of conciliation.
Written assessments and exhibitions. Criteria: Leadership of the student in a team. 10


Types of evaluation

Important note: students will choose continuous evaluation or global evaluation. Both exams will be done according to the exam calendar and not during classes.

• Evaluation is calculated by an average, between assessments (class or home) and final exam.
o Lower than 5 (FIVE) is considered FAILURE
• Students who, after the expiring date of assessments and exam, fail, are entitled to a re-sit.

Continuous evaluation:

This is the ordinary evaluation type. 80% attendance is required; this means that a maximum of 3 sessions (9 hours) may be missed in total, regardless of justifications.

Students performance will be evaluated by the following criteria:

Homework and class assignments: 60%
Final Exam: 40%

• There will be regular homework and class assignments to make sure students understand and practice the contents dealt with in class. Some of them will be individual and some teamwork.
• The final exam, not in the final lesson but in the date established in exams calendar, will test students’ individual knowledge in the field of HR and focus on theoretical aspects.

Global evaluation:

For the students who have applied for this modality at the beginning of the term.
Students’ performance will be evaluated by the following criteria:

Homework: 30%
Final Exam: 70%

• There will be regular homework to make sure students understand and practice the contents dealt with in class
Important: Global evaluation students are asked to do the same assessments as continuous evaluation.
• The final exam, in the date established in exams calendar, will test students’ individual knowledge in the field of HR and focus on theoretical aspects.

Students must submit a written form to apply for global evaluation.
Important: This form option will expire 15 days after the first day of class.


The re-sit exam (Reevaluación) is a second chance for students who have done the exam and have not passed (minimum of 5).
The maximum score of a re-sit is a five (5)

• Those who do not reach 80% of attendance in the continuous evaluation, must do the revaluation test (re-sit),
• Those who have not been submitted to the exam (continuous or global evaluation) must do the revaluation test (re-sit).

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who fail to submit assessments on time will be qualified “Not presented”.
Students who fail to sit at least one of the evaluations mentioned above (continuous or global) will be qualified “Not presented”.


Classes will start out by providing a theoretical framework to the topic and then proceed to applying the newly acquired knowledge in practice. For example, the class on "Recruiting" will first introduce the theory on recruiting (job description, minimum and desirable characteristics, personnel search, traditional and social media, etc.) and then be applied to practice, with the participants writing up a job description and making media choices.

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