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Curs acadèmic:
Disseny i càlcul d'elements de màquines
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Norbert Blanco Villaverde
Idioma de les classes:
Català (80%), Anglès (20%)


  • CT04 Treballar en equip
  • CE22 Coneixement i capacitats per al càlcul, disseny i assaig de màquines.


1. Introduction to the design of machine elements

          1.1. Machine design

          1.2. Design factors

          1.3. Calculation report

2. Pressurized elements

          2.1. Thin wall elements

          2.2. Thick wall elements

          2.3. Fittings

3. Roller-contact bearings

          3.1. Types and functions

          3.2. Calculation of contact-roller bearings

          3.3. Assembly of roller-contact bearings

          3.4. Defects and failures of contact-roller bearings

4. Lubrication bearings

          4.1. Types of lubricant films

          4.2. Thick-film lubrication bearings

          4.3. Stability

          4.4. Thin and mixed film lubrication bearings

5. Gears

          5.1. Spur gears

          5.2. Helical gears

          5.3. Bevel gears

          5.4. Worm gears

6. Springs

          6.1. Types of springs

          6.2. Stresses in springs

          6.3. Calculation of springs

          6.4. Critical frequency

7. Bolted joints

          7.1. Pre-loading theory

          7.2. Load distribution in joints

          7.3. Axially-loaded joints

          7.4. Transversely-loaded joints

          7.5. Mixed-loading joints

8. Welded joints

          8.1. Static loading

          8.2. Fatigue loading

9. Application case


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 6,00 17,00 23,00
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 2,00 20,00 22,00
Prova d'avaluació 3,00 9,00 12,00
Resolució d'exercicis 23,00 20,00 43,00
Sessió expositiva 10,00 5,00 15,00
Sessió pràctica 4,00 6,00 10,00
Total 48,00 77,00 125


  • Shigley, Joseph Edward (2002). Mechanical engineering design. McGraw-Hill. Catàleg
  • Niemann, G. (1987). Elementos de máquinas. Labor. Catàleg
  • Norton, Robert L. (1999). Diseño de máquinas. Prentice-Hall. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Resolution of problems proposed in class
The evaluation will be focused on the approach, development and obtained conclusions, as well as the formal presentation of the results 10
Practical sessions on Finite Elements The evaluation will be focused on the approach, development and obtained conclusions, as well as the formal presentation of the results 10
Laboratory practical sessions: 2 practical sessions on machine elements The evaluation will be focused on the approach, development and obtained conclusions, as well as the formal presentation of the results 5
Application case: justification of the design of a small electromechanic element The evaluation will consider the hypothesis and initial data and the design of the element. The conclusions and the dimensional calculations will be also evaluated as well as the formal aspects of the document 25
Final exam on the contents of the course Resolution of the proposed exercises during the exam 50


The final mark of the course will be determined according to:

25% Application case
25% Practical sessions
50% Exam (30% problems and 20% application case of exam)

During the course, students will not have the opportunity to correct the different tasks and deliver them again in order to improve the assimilation of the concepts of the course. However, the application case is structured in such a way that for every delivery students have the opportunity to correct and improve the contents of previous ones.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
All students that fail to present on due time the Application case and Exam will be qualified as NO PRESENTAT


It is strongly recommended to have attended and passed "Disseny de màquines"

Assignatures recomanades

  • Càlcul de màquines
  • Càlcul de mecanismes
  • Disseny de màquines
  • Elasticitat i resistència de materials
  • Expressió gràfica
  • Fonaments de mecànica
  • Fonaments de resistència de materials

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