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Curs acadèmic:
CONCEPTES BÀSICS: sistemes telemàtics, telemedicina i salut electrònica. ASPECTES TECNOLÒGICS: estàndards, monitoratge, sensors, interactivitat, usabilitat, accessibilitat i seguretat. NOUS SERVEIS TELEMÀTICS: eines de gestió de continguts, eines de comunicació, eines de cerca d'informació. ESCENARIS D'APLICACIÓ: telerehabilitació, telemonitoreo, teleassistència, teleconsulta, teleradiologia, treball cooperatiu, emergències sanitàries, serveis d'informació i teleeducació per a la salut.
Crèdits ECTS:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Jose Luis Marzo Lazaro  / VICTOR TORRES PADROSA


  • Reconèixer els elements essencials de la professió mèdica, que incloguin els principis ètics, les responsabilitats legals i l'exercici professional centrat en el pacient
  • Desenvolupar la pràctica professional amb respecte pels altres professionals de la salut, adquirint habilitats de treball en equip
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant oralment com per escrit, amb els pacients, els familiars, els mitjans de comunicació i altres professionals
  • Conèixer, valorar críticament i saber utilitzar les fonts d'informació clínica i biomèdica per a obtenir, organitzar, interpretar i comunicar la informació científica i sanitària
  • Saber utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació en les activitats clíniques, terapèutiques, preventives i d'investigació
  • Tenir, en l'activitat professional, un punt de vista crític, creatiu, amb escepticisme constructiu i orientat a la recerca
  • Garantir el coneixement adequat de la llengua anglesa, tant oral com escrita, tenint en compte les especificitats del registre mèdic per a poder comunicar-se eficaçment a la comunitat internacional científica i professional


1. Define telemedicine and e-health.

2. Identify and explain the value (pros) and cons of telemedicine to patients, clinicians and health care organizations.

3. Identify and explain the human and technological barriers to telemedicine.

4. Describe the different types of telemedicine: teleconsultation, telemonitoring, telerehabilitation and telesurgery.

5. Illustrate the application of telemedicine with examples in different specialties (radiology, dermatology, pathology, etc.) and identify their requirements.

6. Illustrate the application of e-health with examples (e-prescription, personal health folder, e-health social networks, etc.).

7. Describe the different phases of information lifecycle: capture, manipulation/compression, transmission, storage, retrieval and display

          7.1. Illustrate different types of sensors (temperature, blood pressure, pulse rate, glucose, etc.) with examples, and identify their main features.

          7.2. Describe the basis of digitization for the captured information.

          7.3. Describe the importance in the diagnosis and its relationship with the file size for the following concepts: lossy and lossless compression, image/video resolution, color model and color depth.

          7.4. Describe main networks technologies (wired and wireless) and their subtypes (twisted pair, optical fiber, bluetooth, zigbee, wifi, satellite, mobile, etc.).

          7.5. Apply some features regarding information transmission (bandwidth, latency, jitter, packetization and packet loss) to determine the feasibility of using different types of communications for the practice of telemedicine.

          7.6. Define the concept of Body Area Networks (BAN) and Personal Area Networks (PAN) and their use in telemedicine and e-health.

          7.7. Describe the differences between asynchronous (store-and-forward) and synchronous (real-time interactive) operation modes and identify the most suitable approach in different applications.

          7.8. Define the following concepts of database, Hospital Information System (HIS), Radiology Information System (RIS) and Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) and identify how they are related.

          7.9. Describe some features of displays: size, resolution, color and refresh rate.

8. Describe how security, privacy and confidentiality can be provided or preserved: physical security, networks security (e.g.. firewalls), authentication, encryption, integrity, availability and backups.

9. Describe the main requirements imposed by the Spanish regulation regarding personal data protection: Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos (LOPD).

10. Identify and describe the legal issues concerning the practice of telemedicine.

11. Describe the importance of standardization and identify the following standards, standardization organizations or bodies: DICOM, LOINC, SNOMED-CT, HL7.

12. Explain the differences among the following technologies or concepts and illustrate their applications in medicine with examples: mhealth, games and videogames, virtual reality and augmented reality.

13. Explain the importance of usability and accessibility in the design of telemedicine and e-health applications.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 18,00 74,00 92,00
Pràctiques en empreses / institucions 2,00 3,00 5,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,50 13,00 17,50
Sessió expositiva 2,00 4,00 6,00
Sessió pràctica 2,00 2,00 4,00
Total 28,50 96,00 124,5


  • Ferrer Roca, Olga (cop. 1998 ). Handbook of telemedicine . Tokyo: Ohmsha. Catàleg
  • Norris, A. C.|q(Anthony Charles) (cop. 2002 ). Essentials of telemedicine and telecare . Chichester [etc.]: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Fong, Bernard (2011 ). Telemedicine technologies : information technologies in medicine and telehealth . Chichester: Wiley. Catàleg
  • Ferrer Roca, Olga ([2009] ). Master en telemedicina y bioingenieria aplicada a la telemedicina. Tenerife: CATAI.
  • Carrión Pérez, Pedro A. Ródenas García, Juan Rieta Ibáñez, José Joaquín Sánchez Meléndez, César (2009 ). Telemedicina : ingeniería biomédica . Cuenca: Universidad Castilla-La Mancha. Catàleg
  • Sánchez-Caro, Javier (2002 ). Telemedicina y protección de datos sanitarios : (aspectoslegales y éticos) . Granada: Comares. Catàleg
  • Kumar, Sajeesh (cop. 2009 ). Telepathology . Berlin [etc.]: Springer. Catàleg
  • Lazakidou, Athina A., 1975- Siassiakos, Konstantinos M (c2009 ). Handbook of research on distributed medical informatics and e-health. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference. Recuperat 28-06-2012, a Catàleg
  • Ll. Cugota et al. (2007). TicSalut, la revolució digital al servei de les persones. Exemples d'innovació.
  • Canal Salut - TicSalut (2012). Recuperat , a
  • Fundació TicSalut (2012). Recuperat , a

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
PBL sessions - Responsibility

- Learning abilities

- Communication

- Interpersonal relationships
Practical seminar 1 - Written report about the seminar 10
Practical seminar 2 - Answer questions about the seminar 10
Test 1 - Short test: true/false, multiple choice or similar. 5
Test 2 - Short test: true/false, multiple choice or similar. 5
Final Test - Short test: true/false, multiple choice or similar. 10
PBL Exam - First part:
  - relevance to the learning objectives
  - relevance to the problem or situation and justification of the 4 chosen topics

- Second part:
  - accreditation of knowledge acquired by means of the 2 questions related to the 2 selected topics

- Readability and conciseness of both parts.


- PBL sessions evaluation will account for 40% of the module evaluation:
  (You are required to pass the PBL sessions with a mark of at least 5 to pass the module)

  Criteria (Grade proportion)
    Learning abilities (25%)
    Communication (25%)
    Responsibility (25%)
    Interpersonal relationships (25%)

- The PBL exam is going will account for 20% of the module evaluation:

  1st Part
    Criteria for each of the 4 topics (Grade proportion)
      Relevance to the learning objectives (2%)
      Relevance to the situation (2%)
      Justification (6%)

  2nd Part
    Criterion for each of the 2 questions (Grade proportion)
      Accreditation of knowledge acquired within the question context (25%)

  Both parts
    Criterion (Grade proportion)
      Readability and conciseness (10%)

- Seminars sessions evaluation will account for 20% of the module evaluation:
  (You are required to attend the seminars sessions in order to be able to deliver the corresponding report, questions or problems)

  Criteria (Grade proportion)
    Questions or problems about one of the seminars (50%)
    Written report on one of the seminars (50%)

- A short test (true/false, multiple choice or similar) will be held along the following sessions and will account for 20% of the module evaluation:

  Short test at the end of session PBL 2.1 (25%)
  Short test at the end of session PBL 3.1 (25%)
  Short test during the first session of the PBL exam (50%)

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