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Curs acadèmic:
Laboratori integrat sobre mètodes analítics
Crèdits ECTS:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Majoritàriament (75%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Majoritàriament (75%)


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre


  • CT08 Planificar i organitzar les propostes i projectes
  • CT12 Avaluar la sostenibilitat de les propostes i actuacions pròpies
  • CT15 Utilitzar la llengua anglesa
  • CE23 Capacitat per a l'anàlisi, disseny, simulació i optimització de processos i productes


1. Revision of the basic principles of the good practices, the use of glass material, safety, environment protection, etc in the laboratory of chemistry.

2. Preparation of solutions and reagents necessary to perform the programmed laboratory experiences.

3. Introduction to different analytical methods of Molecular Spectroscopy.

4. Introduction to quantitative analysis using Molecular Spectroscopy.

5. Introduction to quantitative analysis using Atomic Absortion Spectroscopy.

6. Introduction to quantitative analysis using Atomic Emission Spectroscopy.

7. Introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis using Gas Chromatography.

8. Introduction to qualitative and quantitative analysis using HPLC Chromatography. Iniciació a l'anàlisi qualitativa i quantitativa per Cromatografia HPLC

9. Design and development of an integrated laboratory experience (ILE). Products synthesis; qualitative and quantitative analysis of different analytes by different spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Altres 0 2,00 2,00
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 2,00 0 2,00
Exposició dels estudiants 4,00 16,00 20,00
Prova d'avaluació 3,00 3,00 6,00
Resolució d'exercicis 0 6,00 6,00
Sessió pràctica 22,00 17,00 39,00
Total 31,00 44,00 75


  • Dunnivant, Frank M (2004 ). Environmental laboratory exercices for instrumental analysis and environmental chemistry . Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Skoog, Douglas A (1992 ). Principles of instrumental analysis (4th ed.). Fort Worth [etc.]: Saunders College [etc.]. Catàleg
  • Vogel, Arthur Israel (1961 ). A Text-book of quantitative inorganic analysis : including elementary instrumental analysis (3rd. ed.). London: Longmans.
  • Vogel, Arthur Israel (1969 ). Química analítica cuantitativa : teoría y práctica (2ª ed). Buenos Aires: Kapelusz. Catàleg
  • Hernández Hernández, Lucas (DL 2002 ). Introducción al análisis instrumental . Barcelona: Ariel. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Experience 1 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 0,5
Experience 2 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 0,5
Experience 3 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 1
Experience 4 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 1
Experience 5 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 1
Experience 6 report In the laboratory, the accuracy of the calculations to make the solutions, the appropriate manipulation of the reagents and glass material and a proper laboratory note book maintenance are evaluated. The individual experience report is evaluated taking into account the writing and the accuracy of the obtained results as well as the answers to the proposed questions. 1
Experiences questionnaires Once finished each laboratory experience the students must answer several questions concerning the experience. Each question has three answers and they have just one attempt to provide the right answer. These questionnaires must be filled up during the week after the corresponding experience is performed in the laboratory. The questionnaires are activated for one week. The Moodle platform make an automatic evaluation of the questionnaires answers. 15
Oral presentation (ILE) During the project design each group has to give the professor a report of the activities developed in each meeting session. These reports that reflect the overall group performance are evaluated. The oral presentation of the project is evaluated taking into account the quality of the project, language and clarity of expression. The components of the other groups and the professor evaluate the project presentation by filling up an evaluation rubric which takes into account the criteria above mentioned. 20
Laboratory (ILE) In the laboratory, the project goals achievement will be evaluated by the professor. And also, the proper use and manipulation of the material, the calculations, the use of the laboratory note book, etc. as well as the group performance will be evaluated by the professor. 20
Final exam At the end of the semester, the students will be evaluated in a written test. The correction of the responses as well as the steps and discussion to solve exercises and get the right solution will be evaluated. Also, the clarity and correction both in oral and written communication. 40


Students will be evaluated on the following:
Laboratory experiences 5%
Laboratory (ILE) 20%
Oral presentation (ILE) 20%
Experiences questionnaires 15%
Final exam 40%

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student can only be considered "non evaluated" when he/her has not participated in any of the evaluations activities.

Assignatures recomanades

  • Tècniques instrumentals d'anàlisi química

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