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Mrs.   Garcia Molsosa, Marta

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en infància, joventut i comunitat (LIBERI)

Brief CV

Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Girona under a competitive grant (POTDOC-UdG2021/18). My area of research is the education of vulnerable childhood and adolescence. Concretely, my research focuses on the schooling of children in residential care as a population at a higher risk of school drop-out. In this context, I am researching along the lines of subjective well-being studies and I have specialized in analysing the outcomes of social mentoring programmes. As secondary research lines, I have recently developed research on education inequalities and inclusion and, in the past, on the educational value of playing for vulnerable childhood and adolescence. Linked to my area of professional expertise (social educator in a residential centre from 2005 to 2017), my PhD thesis analysed the role of mentoring in contributing to improve children’s in residential care school experience and well-being. On October 13rd 2020 I received the doctorate in Educational Innovation and Intervention by the Universitat de Vic – Universitat de la Catalunya Central, with a distinction Cum laude by unanimity. My work has resulted in nine publications in the most relevant journals of my research area (7 JCR, 5 as first author), 29 citations in Google Scholar and 9 in Scopus, and the participation in five international meetings. My technical-scientific capabilities and skills include literature systematic review methodology, statistic data analysis (SPSS and R), participatory research methods, and theoretical thematical analysis procedure (Atlas.ti). I have obtained 112,605.62€ of research funding through three competitive grants (cv projects 1-3). Besides, in 2020 I have obtained 3,813 € of funding to develop research abroad (2019-1-ES01-KA103-060559 ERASMUS+ and 2019 FI_B2 00175). As part of the doctoral training, I have completed a research stay at the Institute of Education (University of London) and at York St. John University, under the guidance of expert scholars on the field (Dr. Claire Cameron, UCL, and Dr. Caroline Leeson, York St. J). Although the stay (12/2/2020 - 12/5/2020) was conditioned by the COVID-19 pandemic, I was able to share the outcomes of my research and establish contact with some of the most prestigious groups and scholars in the area of the education of children in care. Concretely, I have carried out a Seminar in the REES Centre (Oxford University) and I received advice and guidance from Dr. David Berridge (University of Bristol). Also, I gave a seminar to students at St. John University. My work has generated interest among professionals in education and social services and, since 2020, I coordinate an interdisciplinary participatory workgroup with professionals from social and educative institutions (EAIA, EAP, University, LIC, CRAE and schools), linked to the University of Vic. I have been invited to several Seminars addressed to professionals, politicians and technicians (cv knowledge transfer) and I promoted and organized the “1st Conference on Children’s in Residential Care Education in Osona” (cv congresses 4).

Currently, I am a member of the Liberi Research Team in Childhood, Youth and Community (University of Girona), taking part in competitive projects and research agreements (listed below) as well as assuming responsibilities such as data management planning and FAIR data advising. In the context of “WeAreHere!” (cv projects 5) I develop research together with two PhD students, to whom I provide guidance and support. Simultaneously, I continue to collaborate with the Educational research team (GREUV) of the University of Vic, currently within the frame of the mentoring project “MES” (cv knowledge transfer 1). As a researcher attached to these teams, I have acquired experience in developing research at a national and international level as well as in collaboration with public institutions and NGOs (see cv knowledge transfer and projects). I have published several papers under open creative commons license addressed to professionals (e.g., and I have participated in several professional meetings and training activities (cv knowledge transfer). At the University of Girona, I am currently teaching a three-credits subject for 3r and 4th students of the University Degree in Social Education (“Organization and Dynamisation of Free Time Activities for Children”) and next year, as established in my teaching plan, I will assume tutoring of Undergraduate Final Projects. In the past, I taught sporadically at the University of Vic (University Degree in Social Education and Primary Education) and, from 2010 to 2014, I collaborated with Dr. Maria Borja Solé (UB) designing the Master’s degree “Máster en Juego y Ludicidad en el ámbito Educativo y Comunitario”.

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