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Curs acadèmic:
Telemedicina: tecnologies d'Internet per a la salut
Crèdits ECTS:
Idioma principal de les classes:
S’utilitza oralment la llengua anglesa en l'assignatura:
Completament (100%)
S’utilitzen documents en llengua anglesa:
Completament (100%)


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Jose Luis Marzo Lazaro  / VICTOR TORRES PADROSA


  • Saber utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació en les activitats clíniques, terapèutiques, preventives i d'investigació
  • Garantir el coneixement adequat de la llengua anglesa, tant oral com escrita, tenint en compte les especificitats del registre mèdic per a poder comunicar-se eficaçment a la comunitat internacional científica i professional


1. Define telemedicine, telehealth and e-health

2. Identify and explain the value of telemedicine to patients, clinicians and health care organizations

3. Identify and explain the limitations of telemedicine technologies

4. Illustrate the application of telemedicine with examples

5. Apply the specific telemedicine and e-health solutions that have been learnt to new clinical and health scenarios

6. Describe the different types of telemedicine: teleconsultation, telemonitoring, telerehabilitation and telesurgery

7. Describe the components (hardware and software) and actors (patients, professionals and sanitary system) in telemedicine and e-health architectures

8. Describe the different phases of information lifecycle: capture, manipulation/compression, transmission, storage, retrieval and display

9. Explain the differences between asynchronous (store-and-forward) and synchronous (real-time interactive) operation modes

10. Describe the differences between fixed and wireless networks

11. Describe the concept of World Wide Web

12. Describe how the different types of information being used (audio, video, data and images) can be integrated, and identify the related standards, standardisation, organizations and bodies

13. Explain coding, compression and colour issues related to the different types of information

14. Illustrate different types of sensors and displays with examples, and identify their main features

15. Explain the differences among the following technologies and their applications: Games and videogames, Virtual reality, Augmented reality

16. Explain the importance of usability and accessibility in the design of telemedicine and e-health applications

17. Describe how security, privacy and confidentiality can be provided or preserved


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 18,00 74,00 92,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 14,00 18,00
Seminaris 6,00 9,00 15,00
Total 28,00 97,00 125


  • Handbook of telemedicine (2002 ). IOS Press. Catàleg
  • Essentials of telemedicine and telecare (2002 ). West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Telemedicine technologies: information technologies in medicine and telehealth (2011 ). John Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Carrión Pérez, Pedro A. Ródenas García, Juan Rieta Ibáñez, José Joaquín Sánchez Meléndez, César (2009 ). Telemedicina : ingeniería biomédica . Cuenca: Universidad Castilla-La Mancha. Catàleg
  • Lazakidou, Athina A., 1975- Siassiakos, Konstantinos M (c2009 ). Handbook of research on distributed medical informatics and e-health. Hershey, PA: Medical Information Science Reference. Recuperat 14-03-2011, a Catàleg
  • Ll. Cugota et al. (2007). TicSalut, la revolució digital al servei de les persones. Exemples d'innovació.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
PBL sessions - Responsibility

- Learning abilities

- Communication

- Interpersonal relationships
Seminars - Questions about one of the seminars

- Written report on one of the seminars
PBL Exam - First part:

  - relevance to the learning objectives

  - relevance to the problem or situation and justification of the 4 chosen topics

- Second part:

  - accreditation of knowledge acquired by means of the 2 questions related to the 2 selected topics

- Readability and conciseness of both parts.


- PBL sessions evaluation will account for 40% of the module evaluation:

  Criteria (Grade proportion)
    Responsibility (25%)
    Learning abilities (25%)
    Communication (25%)
    Interpersonal relationships (25%)

- The PBL exam is going will account for 30% of the module:

  1st Part
    Criteria for each of the 4 topics (Grade proportion)
      Relevance to the learning objectives (2%)
      Relevance to the situation (2%)
      Justification (6%)

  2nd Part
    Criterion for each of the 2 questions (Grade proportion)
      Accreditation of knowledge acquired within the question context (25%)

  Both parts
    Criterion (Grade proportion)
      Readability and conciseness (10%)

- The remaining 30% will be related to the seminars
  Criteria (Grade proportion)
    Questions about one of the seminars (15%)
    Written report on one of the seminars (15%)

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Not attending the PBL sessions or seminars

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