Investiga > UE –H2020: Fas recerca en transició energètica i energies renovables?
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UE –H2020: Fas recerca en transició energètica i energies renovables?

Oberts els últims tòpics del tercer repte social amb un pressupost total de 670,5 M€

Energia segura, neta i eficient és el tercer Repte Social, dels 7 plantejats al Programa Marc d’Investigació i Innovació de la Unió Europea, Horitzó 2020.

L’objectiu principal és realitzar la transició a un sistema energètic fiable, assequible, que gaudeixi d’acceptació pública, sostenible i competitiu, amb el propòsit de reduir la dependència respecte dels combustibles fòssils en un context de reducció de recursos, augment de les necessitats d’energia i canvi climàtic.

La temàtica de l’energia està també adreçada en altres parts del programa Horizon 2020, de la següent forma:

  • Activitats “bottom-up” del Pilar I:
    • ERC European Research Council
    • European Innovation Council (SME Instrument, FTI Pilot, FET, Premis, etc.)
    • Marie-Sklodowska curie Actions
  • Industrial Leadership del Pilar II
    • Materials
    • PPPs sobre “Energy-efficient Buildings” i SPIRE
    • Information and Communication Technologies
  • Reptes socials del Pilar III
    • RS2: Bioeconomy, Blue Growth
    • RS4: Electric vehicles, bateries, energy-efficient transport
    • RS5: Cities, earth observation, raw materials, climate change mitigation strategies
    • RS7: Cybersecurity, critical energy infrastructure

Les convocatòries 2020 del tercer repte social tindran un pressupost total de 670,5M€ distribuïts entre diferents tòpics.

Buildings in energy transition (B4E)

Buildings can effectively support the clean energy transition while reducing the environmental footprint. Innovation in technology and business will change the traditional functions of buildings, which will play an active role in the energy system.

Hi ha 14 tòpics amb un pressupost de 86,5M€:

LC-SC3-B4E-1-2020: Towards highly energy efficient and decarbonised buildings *

LC-SC3-B4E-2-2020: Stimulating demand for sustainable energy skills in the Building sector (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-3-2020: Upgrading smartness of existing buildings through innovations for legacy equipment (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-4-2020: Next-generation of Energy Performance Assessment and Certification (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-5-2020: Integrated design concepts for energy-efficient ICT in buildings *

LC-SC3-B4E-6-2020: Big data for buildings *

LC-SC3-B4E-7-2020: European building stock data 4.0 *

LC-SC3-B4E-8-2020: Renewable and energy efficient solutions for heating and/or cooling, and domestic hot water production in multi-apartment residential buildings *

LC-SC3-B4E-9-2020: Support to the coordination of European smart buildings innovation community *

LC-SC3-B4E-10-2020: Self-assessment and self-optimisation of buildings and appliances for a better energy performance *

LC-SC3-B4E-11-2020: Financing for energy efficiency investments - Smart Finance for Smart Buildings (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-12-2020: National roundtables to implement the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative  *CSA

LC-SC3-B4E-12-2020: National roundtables to implement the Smart Finance for Smart Buildings initiative (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-13-2020: Aggregation - Project Development Assistance (6)

LC-SC3-B4E-14-2020: Enabling next-generation of smart energy services valorising energy efficiency and flexibility at demand-side (6)

Global leadership in renewables (RES)

Actions in this area aim to produce solutions to support the worldwide large-scale deployment of renewable energy, its broader penetration in the energy and transport mix to significantly contribute to the decarbonisation of the global economy of the future.

Hi ha18 tòpics amb 238M€ repartits de la següent forma:

Next Renewable energy solutions: Support research activities aiming at identifying renewable energy breakthroughs that will feed the innovation cycle and become the basis of the next generation of EU technologies.

LC-SC3-RES-1-2019-2020: Developing the next generation of renewable energy technologies (5) 45M€, RIA

LC-SC3-RES-3-2020: International Cooperation with USA and/or China on alternative renewable fuels from sunlight for energy, transport and chemical storage (7) 10M€, RIA

Renewable energy solutions for implementation at consumer scale

  • Varying number of consumers involved (individual and residential buildings, industrial sites, district systems…)
  • Where applicable, all energy needs of consumer taken into consideration (electricity generation, heating, cooling)
  • Significant part of the energy to be consumed at the place of production

LC-SC3-RES-9-2020: Next generation of thin-film photovoltaic tecnologies **20M€, IA

Renewable energy solutions for energy system level implementation

  • To reduce capital and operational costs, to increase reliability and to provide flexibility to the energy system
  • Solutions should be implemented at the system level, namely in those cases where the renewable energy that is inserted into the network, is to be transmitted and distributed to the end user and not, or only in minimal part, used for self-consumption
  • Reduce cost of key technologies for renewable energy conversion

LC-SC3-RES-31-2020: Offshore wind basic science and balance of plant (5) RIA, 8M€

LC-SC3-RES-32-2020: New test rig devices for accelerating ocean energy Technology development (5) RIA, 8M€

LC-SC3-RES-18-2020: Advanced drilling and well completion techniques for cost reduction in geothermal energy (5) RIA (lump sum), 8M€

LC-SC3-RES-19-2020: Demonstration of innovative technologies for floating wind ferms ** IA

LC-SC3-RES-20-2020: Efficient combination of Concentrated Solar Power and desalination (with particular focus on the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region (7)

LC-SC3-RES-33-2020: Increase performance and reliability of photovoltaic plants ** IA

LC-SC3-RES-34-2020: Demonstration of innovative and sustainable hydropower solutions targeting unexplored small-scale hydropower potential in Central Asia (7) IA

LC-SC3-RES-35-2020: Reduce the cost and increase performance and reliability of CSP plants ** IA

Renewable Fuels for transport

  • Competitiveness of the next generation of biofuels and renewable fuel technologies
  • Up-scaling of advanced biofuels for specific transport needs in a cost-effective way
  • European leadership in global development of specific disruptive technologies for a complete ultimate replacement of fossil fuels
  • Drop-in renewable fuel solutions for fossil-fuel substitutions
  • Feedstock diversification

LC-SC3-RES-25-2020: International cooperation with Japan for Research and Innovation on advanced biofuels and alternative renewable fuels (7) RIA

LC-SC3-RES-26-2020: Development of next generation renewable fuel technologies from CO2 and renewable energy (Power and Energy to Renewable Fuels) (5) RIA

LC-SC3-RES-36-2020: International cooperation with Canada on advanced biofuels and bioenergy (7) RIA

LC-SC3-RES-27-2020: Demonstration of advanced biofuels production from aquàtic biomass ** IA

LC-SC3-RES-37-2020: Combined clean biofuel production and phytoremediation solutions from contaminated lands worldwide  (5) RIA



* 15/01/2020

** 11/12/2019

(4) 26/03/2020

(5) 21/04/2020

(6) 10/09/2020

(7) 01/09/2020

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