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Demanda tecnològica: Cerca de tecnologies de prevenció/eliminació de biofilm per a sistemes d'aigua

An Israeli chemical company seeks biocide technologies and/or products with the following characteristics: 1. Materials to prevent biofilm from creating and growing on surfaces in contact with water. 2. Brominated biocides, or materials enhancing biocidal activity of brominated biocides, with additional functionality. Company seeks to sign with partnar a JV / Licensing / Research Cooperation agreement.

Volíem informar de la segDüent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A large Israeli corporate working in the area of chemical compounds is looking for innovative biocide materials and technologies to combat the creation of biofilm on water. 

The corporate would like to sign with the identified partner an agreement focusing on a creation of a joint venture, a cooperation in research, and/or a licensing of technology.

The corporate's incubator is willing to fund early stage technologies to mature them towards licensing by the corporate. 

The specific interests are:

  1. Biofilm prevention and removal from water based systems:

solutions (material based, not devices nor coatings) to prevent biofilm from creating and growing on surfaces in contact with water in water systems such as swimming pools & SPAs, cooling towers, pulp & paper facilities etc.

Key Success Criteria:

  • Micro-organisms kill rate
  • Detachment, dispersion or prevention of biofilm
  • Synergy with current corporate  biocides
  • Material based
  1. Innovative technologies (materials) leading to a solution enhancing biocidal activity of brominated biocides, with additional functionality such as:
  • Biofilm dispersion
  • Anti-scalant
  • pH correction
  • Other functionality

Key Success Criteria:

  • Micro-organisms kill rate
  • Synergy with brominated biocides
  • Cost of operation\
  1. Dispersal technologies for oxidative biocides

Collaboration is sought with any entity (SME, start-up, academic lab etc.) that has R&D facilities and is interested in developing the abovementioned technology further.

The corporate could fund the project to its maturity based on a JV / research cooperatiom agreement. If the project is already on the market the corporate would ask to sign a licensing agreement with the partner.

Referència: TRIL20160410001


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