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Cerca de Socis:Lead partner in project on innovative,copyright intensive SMEs' virtual collaboration

SME with long experience and excellent regional reputation, from Bosnia and Herzegovina, led by a woman, expert and entrepreneur, is applying to the H2020 call: Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains.

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Current changes in business, in start-ups and specially in innovation business requires a multi-disciplinary approach and work in a flexible virtual cluster, focused on the key SME's challenges. Complex challenges of digital transformation in copyright and other “intellectual” intensive industries requires collaborative and innovative solutions, and encompass all the players that share that goal/challenge in one way or another. Some SME's provide resources (e.g. database system); some use those resources to resolve different sub-challenges (e.g. IT tools for digital marketing); some construct a complex solution from different sub-solutions (e.g. software for copyright intensive industries); and some are architects who govern the dynamics of resolving complex challenges (e.g. virtual network of experts in specific business field in copyright intensive industries).

Hence, the objective of this project is strengthening the role of technology platforms in SME's virtual collaboration, sharing data, information and technology across the EU and non-EU countries, dissemination of technology transfer and know-how, business excellence in transfer technology, exchange of best practices for driving innovation and strengthening entrepreneurship networking from different business roles in copyright-intensive industries (IT, marketing, consulting etc.), intellectual property protection. The ultimate strategic goal is to contribute to the economic growth in copyright-intensive industries.

Second objective of the project focuses on women entrepreneurship, and enhancing women leaders in business. Copyright intensive industries prove to be mainly female area, therefore by providing the virtual networks their dissemination will be enhanced.

Project addresses the global market trends in digital transformation and support to innovation in SMEs, gender equity in SME development - support for more start up companies which founders are women, women entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship promotion, sustainable business practices, promotion of digital benefits for SME’s development  and international cooperation via vertical integration.

The consortium, comprised of three SMSs in IT sector, will apply for the call INNOSUP-01-2018-2020: Cluster facilitated projects for new industrial value chains, which has the main call: To develop new cross-sectoral industrial value chains across the EU, by building upon the innovation potential of SMEs. Therefore with this project idea the consortium fully addresses the call in the following three points:

  1. its disruptive ICT concept – digital ecosystem with unique services for empowering women entrepreneurship in “intellectual” intensive industries by bring gender dimension of female entrepreneurship;
  2. using Big Data technologies and Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to improve significantly the quality of “intellectual” intensive industries;
  3. disruption in existing markets: Perceptions of investors that women inventors/innovators represent low tech and low growth arenas (for example, home-based items and technology, service activities, and lifestyle businesses) will be “changed” with unique services for women inventors/innovators entrepreneurs in ICT industry, marketing, consulting and other “intellectual” intensive industries.

To summarise, the consortium is looking for a lead partner who will contribute in writing the project proposal, therefore the lead should be university or R&D institution with IT focus, from EU member country. EoI should be expressed no later than the end of January, since the deadline for the submission is mid April 2018. 

Referència: RDBA20171011001


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