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Demanda tecnològica: Italian biotechnology company producing silica nanoparticles seeks cooperation

An Italian biotechnology company produces extremely versatile nanoprobes and silica nanoparticles for different applications. The company is seeking technical or research cooperation agreement, with Academia, research centres and companies active in the field, to achieve new research breakthroughs, explore different applications for the technology and develop new products for In Vitro and In Vivo.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

In the biotechnological field, silica offers many advantages among nanoparticles: silica is transparent to ultraviolet and visible light, extremely versatile, biocompatible; one of its main advantages is the non toxicity, especially if compared with other nanomaterials currently available on the market.

A small Italian company, active in the field of microtechnology and nanotechnology for biological sciences and founded in 2001, developed and currently produces nanoprobes and silica nanoparticles. The company also optimises a vast range of conventional reagents for diagnostics and research applications. Supported by the world leader in manufacturing optical bar code readers, the company has reached a high scientific expertise, combining together chemistry and biotechnology. The team has developed and optimised an array of highly-performing new products (diagnostic/research probes), significantly leading edge compared to the state of the art.

The company also carries out worldwide marketing of their products – under both their own brand and  OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) licences – either directly or through qualified distribution firms in the diagnostics and research sectors.

The company also has the competencies to develop customised products for various applications of In Vitro and In Vivo Diagnosis, pharmaceutical and drug delivery sectors.

In order to provide cutting-edge solutions, in line with the most innovative scientific progress in the field, the Italian company has entered into partnerships with several university centres. The results of this intense research activities have translated into the production of high-quality products, thanks to the use of state-of-the-art machinery and equipment and the constant supervision of the research staff. The experience of these partnerships brought the company to significantly value international research cooperation to make significant advances in their technology.

In this spirit, the company is proactively engaged in seeking new collaborations with other research centres, Academia and companies active in the biotechnology, nanomaterials fields under technical or research cooperation agreement in order to achieve new research breakthroughs and develop new products for In Vitro and In Vivo markets.

Referència: TRIT20160915002

Link on podeu aplicar:


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