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Cerca de Socis: Technology sought for cable weight reduction on board ships

A multinational shipping enterprise with a registered base in Scotland (UK) is seeking to replace data transmission cables on board ships with wireless transmission of signals from sensors. The aim is to reduce the dead weight of non-critical systems data cables by 50%.

Volíem informar de la següent petició en el Enterprise Europe Network:

A leading multinational shipping enterprise with a registered base in Scotland (UK) is looking for technology solutions that can be applied to their cargo and passenger ships that travel in all of the world's oceans. The company is actively involved with open innovation and is currently involved with several international projects.

Historically, the company's ships use heavy cables to transmit data for non-critical systems like Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning. These cables add 2-5% to the dead weight of ships, increasing fuel consumption.  The company would like to reduce the cable weight by 50% by eliminating the need for cables for such non-critical systems. The company expects this could be achieved by replacing traditional data transmission cables on board their ships with wireless transmission of signals from sensors for non-critical systems.

The company is willing to consider technology from other end-application sectors that are capable of addressing the problem set out here. The client would prefer collaboration via joint venture or by technical cooperation agreement. Some budget may be made available for development and this could include being actively involved in the development of a solution, technical overview of the end application and provision of testing facilities.

Referència: TRUK20180417001


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