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Cerca de socis:Developing high performance composites utilizing bacterial nanocellulose

A government-funded Korean research institute is preparing for a project proposal under M-era.NET in 2018. The main goal of the joint research is to create high performance composites utilizing bacterial nano cellulose materials and to further develop process for forming sheets and application studies. To this end, the institute seeks partners specialized in bacterial nano cellulose materials.

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Cellulose material has been drawing attention as an eco-friendly renewable material which is applicable to a wide range of industry areas such as binder resin, stiffeners and structure materials. Cellulose nanocrystals found in the cell walls of trees are ideal candidates for polymer nano composites.

To perform the joint research, the type of a partner the institution is looking for is a company, research institute or university with experience and knowledge in developing bacterial cellulose materials and its feasibility study. The institute is open for collaboration with a partner of any nationality.

The expected outcome of R&D project will be as follows: 1. Commercialization of bacterial nanocellulose (BNC) 2. High performance composite materials based on BNC  The institute aims to join M-era.NET with the deadline of call on April 1st, 2018. The project is expected to take three years of development time including commercialization, and the institute is in discussion with several companies in Korea to form a consortium.

The annual plan of the project is as below:  1. First year: Development of manufacturing technology of bacterial nano cellulose fiber (shape and purity control)2. Second year: Development of unit manufacturing technology of bacterial nano cellulose fiber in kilogram level 3. Third year: Improvement of bacterial nano cellulose fiber to high-performance composite in sheet form As the Korean institute wishes to submit the project proposal to the M-era.NET office on April 1st 2018, they intend to limit the issuance of EOIs for partner search to March 16th 2018.  

Referència: RDKR20180112001


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