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UE: Vols fer recerca en Alfabetització mediàtica?

La convocatòria Alfabetització mediàtica per a tothom (2018-20) respon al repte social de millorar l’alfabetització mediàtica de la ciutadania de totes les edats als Estats membres de la Unió Europea.

La convocatòria té com a objectiu fomentar el desenvolupament de nous materials i / o serveis educatius basats en casos concrets de desinformació, així com dissenyar mètodes per conscienciar sobre les tècniques que utilitzen habitualment els actors maliciosos per crear, distribuir i amplificar la desinformació sobre Internet. Les eines i les activitats proposades haurien de beneficiar directament o indirectament el grup objectiu de ciutadania de totes les edats que no disposen d’habilitats d’alfabetització mediàtica i, en particular, les habilitats necessàries per avaluar críticament el contingut al qual s’accedeix a través de les xarxes socials.

La informació de la convocatòria és la següent:

Media Literacy for all

Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

General objectives:

    1. increase the level of media literacy in Europe;
    2. to assess the scalability, sustainability and adaptability across linguistic, state or cultural borders of the actions developed through the earlier Calls of the Preparatory Action Media Literacy for All;
    3. to pursue further methodological innovation and collaboration across media literacy communities within the European Union.

Eligible activities

The actions proposed should have clearly defined objectives to advance/target specific areas/goals within the field of media literacy. They should target citizens of all ages and propose an adequate mixture of tools and activities to achieve those objectives.

The following types of activities are eligible under this call for proposals:

    1. Creation of multilingual on-line material
    2. Development of applications, tools and innovative methodologies to raise awareness about the danger of receiving and propagating disinformation, promote the use of fact-checking services and the reporting by social media users of possible instances of disinformation;
    3. Promotion of social media campaigns aimed at helping citizens to interact with digital media in a critically evaluative way
    4. Identification of best practice and efficient dissemination of the material created by the project.
    5. Community-led activities to tailor and make accessible the above-mentioned tools and materials to minorities, low-skilled people, digital immigrants (50+), immigrants or refugees, or people at risk of being socially marginalised.
    6. Training activities focused on media literacy practices, tools or materials addressed to trainers, educators and teachers, including sharing of best practices across linguistic, state and cultural borders.


The proposed maximum duration of the project is 12 months. The suggested start date of the project is latest by end March 2021.

Consortium requirements

At least 3 different Member States taking the geographical balance into consideration.


The total budget earmarked for the co-financing of projects under this call for proposals is 500.000 €. The Commission expects to fund of 2 - 5 projects. The EU co-financing is limited to a maximum co-funding rate of 60% of the total eligible costs.


Deadline for submitting Applications: 30/09/2020-24:00 CET

Web of the Call: enllaç

Call for proposals (2020): enllaç 

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