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Learning Agreement and Academic Programmes

Before your arrival you should contact with the administrative or academic mobility coordinator at the Facutly in order to fill in the "learning agreement" provided by your home University. In the e.mail you are going to receive from the International Office you´ll get the contact e.mail.

So that, at your arrival, you should have the learning agreement dully signed by both Universities.

If you need information about the subjects, contact the "Academic Mobility coordinator" or the administrative responsible for exchange students at the Faculty where are you going to study.

Who are your "Academic mobility coordinator "and the administrative staff responsible of your Learning Agreement in the UdG?

Once you have filled in the application form you will receive an email with the name and email address of the Administrative and Academic Responsible of your stay. Here you have the contacts at the Faculties for any academic question: academic mobility coordinator of the faculty or the responsible administrative staff .

You can also check Academic Programmes and Studies for Exchange Students .


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