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Curs acadèmic:
Estratègies recents per al desenvoluament de fàrmacs mitjançant l'enginyeria de proteïnes. Visió general i desenvolupament d'exemples concrets.


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Marc Ribo Panosa  / Maria Vilanova Brugues
Idioma de les classes:
Català (50%), Anglès (50%)


  • 1. Identificar problemes, buscar solucions originals i aplicar-les en un context d'investigació o professional
  • 4. Comunicar de forma clara i concisa els seus coneixements, les seves conclusions i les implicacions ètiques i socials del seu camp de treball a públics especialitzats i no especialitzats ( divulgació científica)
  • 5. Actualitzar i prosseguir els seus estudis de forma auto-dirigida i autònoma, recollint i seleccionant la informació necessària que permeti una investigació original i que aporti nous coneixements
  • 8. integrar els aspectes metodològics i els continguts de les diferents disciplines de les biociències per al seu estudi a nivell molecular
  • 11. Identificar i analitzar els mecanismes moleculars bàsics que operen en els éssers vius, particularment l'home, així com les seves aplicacions en diferents camps d'investigació
  • 12. Gestionar i planificar l'ús racional de tècniques freqüents en Biología Molecular en noves situacions d'estudi o experimentació
  • 13. Avaluar l'ús i la necessitat de tècniques avançades en biología molecular així com la seva adaptació a necessitats particulars requerides
  • 15. Valorar la utilitat de tècniques de modificació genètica d'organismes per a estudis i tractament de patologies humanes, la millora de processos i productes biotecnològics
  • 16. Identificar i utilitzar racionalment les eines bio-informàtiques bàsiques ( bases de dades i programes d'anàlisis molecular) per contribuir al coneixement genòmic, transcriptòmic i proteòmic
  • 17. Identificar i generar solucions a problemes plantejats en els àmbits de la Biomediciona Molecular i la Patologia Molecular


1. Protein engineering as a way to develop biological therapeutics. Different examples of Knowledge-based mutagenesis (KBM) and directed evolution (DE) to develop or control the activity of protein drugs. Screening methodologies of mutant libraries.

2. Modular drugs. Are the “magic bullets" possible? General survey and examples. Modular drugs and directed evolution as a way to control protein drug activity.

3. Targeted drug neutralization. Targeted rug activation: antibody-Drug conjugates (ADC), Engineered Zymogens (EZ), Directed Enzyme Prodrug therapy (DEPT), Light Responsive On/Off control of Drug Activity.

4. Examples of smart response drug system design. Engineering of protein Allostery. Stimulus-Responsive Drug release using biochemical logic (biomarkers and biosensors). Drug buffer.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 6,00 14,00 0 20,00
Exposició dels estudiants 0 20,00 0 20,00
Sessió expositiva 10,00 15,00 10,00 35,00
Total 16,00 49,00 10,00 75


  • Smales, C. Mark James, David C. (cop. 2005 ). Therapeutic proteins : methods and protocols . New Jersey: Humana Press. Catàleg
  • Kannicht, Christoph (cop. 2002 ). Posttranslational modifications of proteins : tools for functional proteomics . Totowa, N.J.: Humana Press. Catàleg
  • Dieken, Markus Leyck (2002 ). Insulin & related proteins. Dordrecht [etc.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Recuperat 12-07-2010, a Catàleg
  • Fruton, Joseph S (cop. 1999 ). Proteins, enzymes, genes : the interplay of chemistry andbiology . New Haven, CT [etc.]: Yale University Press. Catàleg
  • Creighton, Thomas E (1993 ). Proteins : structures and molecular properties (2nd ed.). New York: Freeman. Catàleg
  • Lesk, Arthur M (cop. 2001 ). Introduction to protein architecture : the structural biology of proteins . Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press. Catàleg
  • Watson, James D. (cop. 2007 ). Recombinant DNA : genes and genomes, a short course (3th ed.). New York: W. H. Freema and Co. Catàleg
  • Glick, Bernard R (cop. 2003 ). Molecular biotechnology : principles and applications of recombinant DNA (3rd ed.). Washington: ASM Press. Catàleg
  • Robertson, Dominique (cop. 1997 ). Manipulation and expression of recombinant DNA : a laboratory manual . San Diego [etc.]: Academic Press. Catàleg
  • Eun, Hyone-Myong (cop. 1996 ). Enzymology primer for recombinant DNA technology . San Diego (Calif.) [etc.]: Academic Press. Catàleg
  • Emery, Alan E. H (cop. 1995 ). An Introduction to recombinant DNA in medicine (2nd ed). Chichester [etc.]: Wiley. Catàleg
  • Watson, James D. (1992 ). Recombinant DNA (2nd ed.). New York: Scientific American Books. Catàleg
  • Glover, David M. Hames, B. D. (1995 ). DNA cloning : a practical approach (2nd ed.). Oxford [etc.]: IRL Press. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Development of the subject by the teacher/s with the support of audiovisual media. Attendance to all the sessions 5 No
Oral presentation based on a scientific article related to the content of the course. A 15 min oral communication based on the selected written report.
In the oral presentation, it will be evaluated the clarity of the exposition, the structure and organization, synthesis skill and scientific accuracy.
35 No
A written report about a scientific article related to the content of the subject that will be presented individually or in pairs. It will be evaluated the formal presentation, clarity, accuracy, scientific precision and the level of achievement of the aims, methodology, results, and discussion all along the report. 60


Written reports and oral presentations will be individual whenever possible. If it is necessary to work in teams the final mark of the written report will be the same for all the team members unless negligence is detected.

In the oral presentation it is obligatory to specify which part of the work has been done by each team member independently of the organization of the exposition.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
The qualification will be NOT PRESENTED if the written report is not presented and/or the oral presentation is not given. It is mandatory the assistance to a minimum of the 80% of the sessions including the presentation of the works carried out by the rest of classmates.

Avaluació única:
Students can opt for a single evaluation that would consist in a written work about a scientic subject related to the content of the course. This work will account for the 100% of the final grade obtained by the student and if failedit may be presented again only once.

Students should attend a minimum of 60% of the lectures to get the option for this single evaluation.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To pass the course student have to achieve a mark or 5 or higher over 10


Students (single or in reduced groups) can contact teachers by mail and agree a tutorial meeting to solve doubts about the content of the course.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

General notifications to the students will be done through the Moodle Platform.

The main way of teachers-students communication will be by mail. Students and teachers can agree an appointment for a meeting (single or in reduced group) at a time and place suitable for both to solve any kind of doubts that cannot be solved by mail.


Scientific articles used in the lecture sessions to illustrate the different startegies to generate protein drugs will be uploaded on the web page of the course.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
Blended teaching

Lectures will be done either by streaming using Google Meet platform at the hours scheduled in the initial calendar of the course (unless another time schedule is agreed with all the students and teachers) or they will be recorded in videos of duration between 15-30 min, which will cover the whole content of each subject of the course, and uploaded to the web page of the course in Moodle platform. Through this platform a discussion forum will be opened for each subject to solve doubts and / or debate aspects of the lectures that warrant it.
Whenever possible (room class big enough to assure safe healthy conditions) the student’s oral presentations (3rd week of the course) will be done as in face-to-face teaching in the accorded room.
Every week (for 1 hour) teachers will meet with the students to solve doubts about the content of the course that cannot be solved by mail or through the forums or by videoconferences.

Online Teaching

Lectures will be done either by streaming using Google Meet platform at the hours scheduled in the initial calendar of the course (unless another time schedule is agreed with all the students and teachers) or they will be recorded in videos of duration between 15-30 min, that will cover the whole content of each subject of the course, and uploaded to the web page of the course in Moodle platform. Through this platform a discussion forum will be opened for each subject to solve doubts and / or debate aspects of the lectures that warrant it.
To solve doubts about the content of the course that cannot be solved by mail or through the forums, teachers will agree videoconferences with students either with single students or with reduced groups.


Course: Student at risk will be able to follow the lectures by streaming or use the videos uploaded in Moodle.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
Evaluation in blended teaching

Whenever possible (room class big enough to assure safe healthy conditions) the evaluation of the work that they have to orally present will be done as in face-to-face teaching.

If the safe healthy conditions cannot be attained, students will be evaluated by doing their oral presentations (35% of the final grade of the course) on 3rd week of the course by streaming using Google Meet platform at the hours scheduled in the initial calendar of the course (unless another time schedule is agreed with all the students and teachers).

The work on a subject related to the course that they have to perform (65% of the final grade) does not change relative to face-to face teaching.

Students attendance at the course sessions will be will be controlled by recording either their physical or online presence during the streaming sessions or following his/her use of the uploaded videos using Moodle.

Evaluation in online teaching

Students will be evaluated by doing their oral presentations (30% of the final grade of the course) on 3rd week of the course by streaming using Google Meet platform at the hours scheduled in the initial calendar of the course (unless another time schedule is agreed with all the students and teachers).
The work on a subject related to the course that they have to perform (65% of the final grade) does not change relative to face-to face teaching.

Students attendance at the course sessions will be will be controlled by recording either their online presence during the streaming sessions or following his/her use of the uploaded videos using Moodle.


Assessement: the oral presentation of the work will be done online by streaming while the written work will be presented as in face-to-face teaching. The assistance will be controlled by recording either the presence online of the student during the streaming sessions or following his/her use of the uploaded videos using Moodle.

Tutoria i comunicació:
General notifications to the students will be done through the Moodle Platform.

The main way of teachers-students communication will be by mail. Students (single or in reduced groups) and teachers can agree a tutorial meeting by Google Meet or other communication platforms that the teachers consider appropriate to solve doubts about the content of the course or any other subjects not directly related to the course content.

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