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Curs acadèmic:
Domini del nivell d'anglès equivalent al nivell B 2 (Marc Comú Europeu de Referència) equivalent a Intermig alt
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Deborah Anne Gauntlett  / Mary Mabel Nafa de Varese
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Desenvolupar l'habilitat per argumentar i expressar-se de manera coherent i intel · ligible per elaborar textos escrits comprensibles i organitzats, així com per exposar resultats oralment i en públic
  • Dissenyar i aplicar processos i estratègies comunicatives en els diversos àmbits de treball, seleccionant i utilitzant les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades
  • Utilitzar els idiomes estrangers estudiats com a vehicles normalitzats de comunicació internacional


1. UNIT 1: ARRIVALS . Welcoming . Greeting and introducing . Car hire . Describing arrival services . Grammar point: Past tenses I

2. UNIT 2: A PLACE TO STAY . How guests see hotels . Registering new arrivals . Hotel services . The structure of modern hotels . Grammar point: Past tenses II

3. UNIT 3: TOURIST INFORMATION SERVICES . Tourist Information Centres . Giving directions . Making recommendations . Grammar point: Conditionals

4. UNIT 4: HOLIDAY REP . Types of holiday reps . Giving a welcoming meeting talk . Advice and obligation . Holiday health . Tips on tipping . Grammar point: Modal verbs

5. UNIT 5: EATING OUT . Food tourism . Describing dishes . Introducing the food of a region . Describing kitchen utensils


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 0 4,00 4,00
Debat 14,00 0 14,00
Exposició dels estudiants 12,50 6,00 18,50
Lectura / comentari de textos 16,00 4,00 20,00
Prova d'avaluació 5,50 8,00 13,50
Sessió expositiva 18,00 0 18,00
Sessió pràctica 45,00 0 45,00
Tutories de grup 7,00 0 7,00
Visionat/audició de documents 10,00 0 10,00
Total 128,00 22,00 150


  • Walker, Robin and Harding, Keith (2015). OXFORD ENGLISH FOR CAREERS: TOURISM 2. Oxford University Press.
  • Murphy, Raymond (2019). ENGLISH GRAMMAR IN USE (with answers): Intermediate (5th ed.). Cambridge University Press..

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Presentations, Role-play, Units Tests, Compositions, etc.
In-class spoken and written practice of studied topics: grammar, vocabulary, etc.
. Presentations, Role-play: The students will be evaluated in the oral form in the following areas: language structures, specific vocabulary, grammar, body language, tone of voice.

. Units Tests: The students will be evaluated in the written form on the grammar structures, specific vocabulary studied in each unit

. Compositions: The students will be evaluated in the written form on the grammar structures and specific vocabulary studied in each unit, in a clear and coherent way
Mid-term Evaluation. May Evaluation.
Final Continuous Evaluation Exams Mid-term Evaluation: This evaluation is 30% of the Continuous Evaluation in May.
The students will be evaluated in a written form: Listening/Written comprehension, vocabulary section, grammar section and essay writing.
The students will be evaluated in an oral form: Role-play, speaking about topics studied in class, general conversation, etc.

. May Evaluation: This evaluation is 50% of the Continuous Evaluation in May.
The students will be evaluated in a written form: Listening/Written comprehension, vocabulary section, grammar section and essay writing.
The students will be evaluated in an oral form: Role-play, speaking about topics studied in class, general conversation, etc.


Evaluation systems

The ordinary evaluation system is Continuous Evaluation for all students. Global Evaluation (no class attendance required) is limited to students from previous courses and, in some very special cases, students who are explicitly authorized by the Academic Board of Directors to undergo global evaluation in this subject.

For Continuous Evaluation, a minimum of 80 % class attendance is required, regardless of any justification for non-attendance. Only those absences which are reported by the Academic Board of Directors will not be counted as non-attendance. Students who do not meet the attendance requirement will lose the benefits and partial grades of Continuous Evaluation and must sit a Global Evaluation, without any further re-sit.

The final marks of Continuous Evaluation will be communicated before the end of the teaching period (May 15, 2020), and in any case before the Global Evaluation period begins.

Both in Continuous Evaluation and in Global Evaluation there is an option of re-evaluation (re-sit) if the passing grade is not reached; the conditions are detailed below.

The system of Continuous Evaluation for this course is only possible for students with a minimum of 80% attendance (unless legally justified and confirmed by the Academic Board of Directors). 80% attendance means that a maximum of 26 hours may be missed in total.

The Final Continuous Evaluation consists of:

A)- The Mid-term exam mark (to be set in January or February): 30% which covers the study period October to January (75% written and 25% oral). It is obligatory to sit both parts of the exam together (Oral + Written)
B)- The May exam mark: 50% which covers the study period February to May. (75% written and 25% oral). It is obligatory to sit both parts of the exam together (Oral + Written)
C)- Evaluated exercises, tasks, tests and student participation: 20% from October to May.
The Mid-term mark is part of the final evaluation mark in May (30%). A student who fails the Mid-term Exam, continues the course, and sits the Continuous May exam.
The students who fail the Continuous Evaluation in May will be re-evaluated in the Continuous Global Re-sit Exam (Reevaluación), also in May, which covers all the work studied from October to May (25% oral exam, 75% written exam).

The Continuous Evaluation students who do not have 80% attendance will be evaluated in the Continuous Global Re-sit Exam in May.
This exam includes all the work covered from October to May. (25% oral exam, 75% written exam).
There is no further re-sit for students who fail this exam.

Ex-students or repeat students (previous years) must sit a Global Exam in May. This exam includes all the work covered throughout the year from October to May. The Global Exam consists of a written exam (75%) and an oral exam (25%).
Due to the extent of the content to be examined, the duration of the Global Exam will be longer than that of the Continuous Evaluation Exams.
If these students fail the Global Exam, they will be re-evaluated in the Global Re-sit Exam (Reevaluación) which will be subject to the same conditions as the Global Exam.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
A student who does not sit any of the exams applicable –Continuous or Global Evaluation– (ordinary or re-sit) or parts of these exams (oral or written) will be considered “Not presented”.

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