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Curs acadèmic:
Identificació del turisme solidari. El turisme com a motor de desenvolupament de regions subdesenvolupades i de reducció de la pobresa. Turisme basat en comunitats. Cooperació del tercer sector (ONG's) en l'estructuració de l'oferta turística. Turisme de voluntarietat. Identificació del turisme responsable en un sentit ampli en regions desenvolupades i en desenvolupament.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Cristina Masso Riera
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (20%), Anglès (80%)


  • 1. Adquirir coneixements bàsics en les disciplines que estudien el turisme
  • 15. Identificar i comprendre els principals agents turístics
  • 18. Analitzar els impactes generats pel turisme
  • 24. Llegir, comprendre i comentar texts científics


1. Origins and background of International Development Aid

2. Tourism as a driver of development in impoverished regions; is this possible?

3. Responsible tourism; modalities and issues - propoor tourism; community based tourism; volunteer tourism; ecotourism -

4. Tourism and NGOs. What and how?

5. Developing a Responsible / Solidarity tourism project: approach, impacts, indicators

6. Debate: is it possible to build a better world with the help of tourism?


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 3,00 15,00 18,00
Exposició dels estudiants 9,00 35,00 44,00
Lectura / comentari de textos 3,00 4,00 7,00
Sessió expositiva 6,00 0 6,00
Total 21,00 54,00 75


  • Burns, Peter (cop. 2008 ). Tourism development : growth, myths, and inequalities . Cambridge, MA: CABI. Catàleg
  • Kadt, Emanuel de (1991 ). Turismo : ¿pasaporte al desarrollo? : perspectivas sobre los efectos sociales y culturales del turismo en los paises en vias de desarrollo . Madrid: Endymion. Catàleg
  • Mitchell, Jonathan (2010 ). Tourism and poverty reduction : pathways to prosperity . Sterling, VA: Earthscan. Catàleg
  • Tudurí i Borràs, Carles (2007 ). Turismo responsable : 30 propuestas de viaje . Barcelona: Alhena Media. Catàleg
  • Turner, Louis (1991 ). La Horda dorada . Madrid: Endymion. Catàleg
  • Turner, Louis (1975 ). The Golden hordes : international tourism and the pleasure periphery . London: Constable. Catàleg
  • Vera Rebollo, José Fernando (2011 ). Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos . Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
The class will have a total of 14 lessons, 8 of which will be dedicated to masterclasses by the professor or invited speakers -either physically or online- from specific experiences in Palestine, Philippines, Perú and South East Asia.
Attendance to each lesson will report 1% of the total mark of the subject, adding up to a maximum 10% for this concept. 10
Short seminar about turism and sustainable development, based on group presentations from a reading assingment. Therefore, 2 sessions will develop in form of reading seminars, where the students will present and discuss assigned readings.
Active participation will be requested in the debates, in order to commment, support, or criticize the readings, always with appropriate arguments.
Interview of a Solidarity / Responsible Tourism Initiative Groups of 5 students will program and develop an interview to an NGO; tourism Agency; Institution running solidarity projects and/or responsible tourism activities in developing countries or here. The interview must be presential and originality of the outcome will be relevant for the grade. 30
Groups of 5 students will develop a project following existing solidarity project funding calls.
The project will be delivered in 2 deadlines, according to the next aims:
1) Presentation of the project's study area: Slideshow about the reality of the recipient country: development indexes; politics and democracy; main social and environmental issues; role; flows and hotspots of tourism in the country; existing solidarity initiatives; presentation and discussion of project aims.
2) Production of a project proposal and slideshow presentation based on solidarity / responsible tourism and suitable for an international development funds call, based on delivery 1.
The final manuscript will have an extension of 20 pages maximum, including the references section.
Slideshow presentations will take place the last 2 sessions of the class, under the extended Pecha Kucha format: 30 slides, 20 seconds per slide.
Working language for the manuscript, the slideshow file and the presentation will be English exclusively.
Aesthetic quality, as well as written and oral expression will be determinant factors for the mark in these tasks.
After the 2 presentation sessions, every work group will send a text document to the professor, including comments, observations and a grade -totally anonymous- for the group projects of the rest of classmates.


Students must reach 50% of each continuous evaluation activity to pass the subject.

Written and oral expression in English will be relevant factors in the grading process.

A compensatory exam will only be accepted for those reaching the minimum attendance level and passing at least activity 3 (interview) or activity 4 (project); this exam will lead to a maximum 75% of the total potential grade. Students failing to reach these continuous evaluation requirements will not have access to the compensatory exam, with the exception of students living abroad.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Concerning continued evaluation tasks:
1. Non participation in the 2 reading seminars
2. Non participation in / failure of the work group project
3. Non attendance to more than 5 sessions

Concerning the final evaluation option:
4. Non attendance to the exam and/or non delivery of the final individual assignment.


For a proper following of the class a significant control of the English language is recommended; in written, spoken and listening forms, as most of the readings and some of the invited presentation will be in this language.

For any doubts, enquiries or to arrange tutoring sessions, please contact the class professor:

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