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Curs acadèmic:
Creative Documentary TV + English is an optional subject offered in the third year of the Degree in Audiovisual and Multimedia (GAM) of the University of Girona (ERAM). It is dedicated to the fundamentals of Documentary TV, and the core competences needed to develop and make professional Documentary TV. But also it aims to explore creativity, developing the abilities to create ideas and execute them in a creative personal way, building on technical skills aquired in other GAM subjects from creative writing, to cameras, sound and post production. With a native speaking lead professor we will explore the specific English language needed across all the processes of making a documentary film, from concept to final edited programme for transmission. And importantly use and develop the language needed to encourage the internationalisation of productions. " What makes a great documentary? There should be many different elements, presented in an interesting way, ideally with two or more parallel storylines to give a full sense of the subject. It should move you, excite you… make you wonder, laugh, cry… make you think, and after it’s done, it should stay with you and make you think some more."
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup C

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup D

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • T6. Seleccionar i utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació més adequades a cada situació, en els àmbits personal i professional.
  • T7. Comprendre la llengua anglesa i expressar-se en ella de manera correcta oralment i per escrit.
  • T10. Identificar llocs de treball en funció de les possibilitats que ofereix el mercat -local i global- i de les competències pròpies
  • T14. Analitzar les implicacions ètiques de les actuacions professionals.
  • H21. Utilitzar les estratègies administratives, legislatives i comercials per obtenir recursos financers per poder assolir el desenvolupament dels projectes.
  • H22. Realitzar, amb equipament audiovisual divers, els processos d'enregistrament amb component sonor i il·luminar entorns bàsics.
  • E39. Planificar seqüències de treball, objectius i solucions de realització que permetin la consecució dels projectes.
  • E41. Crear projectes audiovisuals.


1. CONTENT Documentary is a strong televisual platform from which to investigate, enlighten and ultimately reveal the fine detail of our world; the good or bad, or simply events and life that is hidden from our everyday vision. Far beyond this definition, the importance of documentary video nowadays in our global culture means that the communication and transmission of knowledge, but is also a source of creativity, and so like art, is often unstoppable. The course content, bathed in the English language will cover all aspects of the modern documentary from: identifying ideas,to how to research and conceptualize a documentary. ? The diverse sources of information, expertise,academics/experts. ? Tone, reason and debate, purpose of the interviews:to inform, to learn or expose, comment or criticize. ? Define the intellectual position of the documentary. Develop strategy for the creative content development. ? Define the tone of the narrative writing - create the voice. ? Position the style and approach of film - Documentary, docudrama. ? Identify the channels for the film; audience and intended effect or reaction. Create the pitch and funding proposal. ? Aquire skills to write, budget, visualise and present the right proposal. ? Schedule the production of the project. ? Build a team, identify locations, key contributors,visual themes and editing style. ? Define the narrative style. methodology and ideas for desemenation of information. ? The narrative; filming, narrative adaptation, visual imagery aquisition. Creative camera techniques and shot variations ? Organisation of edit narrative;basic assembly, creative editing & approval. ? Assessment of structure and final outcome. ? Creative Post production elements, grading and styling and infographics. ? Full review of sensitivity to the diversity of opinions, responsible, production with solid ethical principles, values and equity. ? The Final edit, and versions for overseas


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Elaboració individual de treballs 40,00 30,00 70,00
Prova d'avaluació 20,00 20,00 40,00
Seminaris 20,00 20,00 40,00
Total 80,00 70,00 150


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
    1. Course work; conceive a Documentary idea and plan the project execution ? Concept development plan, research and writing/designing a pitch presentation in order to market it successfully to the assesors. ? Full budget in order to demonstrate an abilityto interpret an idea and bring it into production reality.?
    Execution/Production: Make a short documentary, pilot programme / key interviews and synopsis of programme,show how to work in a team both individually and in collaboration. ? This work must be submitted for assesment and the work represents 40% of the final grade.
    - 10
    Exam Pitch concepte - 30
    English exam - 10
    Practical exercices: explore creative thinking and idea development in English. Write creative ´pitch´documents. Explore camera techniques,equipment and movement and location sound. Experiment with creative programme formats. - 10
    Documentary - 40


    Show progress in spoken English, written English documents and tests.
    Show creativity in practical exercises and classwork.
    Ability to work on own time to achieve the best results for your work.
    Show creatvity in developemnt and execution of final documentary.


    Places limited to 24 students. An English level test needs to be taken for entry to the course and a B1 grade IELTS level is required. Another level test is taken at the end of the course to judge progress in the use of English.

    It is highly recommended that students have a good background and demonstrable interest in video filming, editing and sound techniques at ERAM and in their lives, and all aspects of what makes a good film and production. But it's also VERY IMPORTANT to show an interest in creativity; hunger for ideas, originality of concept development, research and narrative development, to make interesting and stimulating programmes.

    Also an important human skill is curiosity; a desire to tell stories, maybe to find and reveal an idea or facts, freedom to give a voice to an opinion or message to the world through your vision. Learn how to show your passion to communicate through television, social media or any media that can broadcast or distribute your final visual and creative product - a creative Documentary.

    It is an imperative on this course that you need to work between classes to generate work, complete tasks and ultimately produce,film, edit and present your documentary in your own scheduled time. This initially is done alone, but then later in small production groups (3pax) to make the chosen documentary.

    Assignatures recomanades

    • Estructures i dispositius narratius
    • Guió videogràfic
    • Llenguatge cinematogràfic
    • Operativa de càmera i il·luminació
    • Teoria i tècnica del muntatge

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