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Curs acadèmic:
Anglès Avançat 1 és la primera de les dues assignatures (B2.1 + B2.2) de nivell B2 segons el marc europeu comú de referència per a les llengües (MECR). Mitjançant l'aprenentatge basat en tasques, aquest curs té com a objectiu fer una introducció al llenguatge específic del sector turístic i donar eines a l’alumne per millorar les seves habilitats comunicatives, tan necessàries en aquest sector.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup 1A

Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup 2A

Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)

Grup 2B

Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Utilitzar la llengua a nivell alt
  • 9. Tenir habilitat per a les relacions personals en qualsevol context i situació.
  • 17. Comunicar-se oralment i per escrit
  • 21. Utilitzar la terminologia i el llenguatge dels diversos àmbits turístics


1. TRANSPORT AND TRAVEL. Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of transport and travel to and from tourist destinations. Students explore on-line transport websites in real time to gain knowledge of the diversity available for today's traveller, worker and entrepreneur.

2. ACCOMMODATION SERVICES. Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of accommodation services from the perspectives of client, worker and entrepreneur. Students explore on-line websites to gain knowledge of the diversity available for today's traveller, worker and entrepreneur.

3. GASTRONOMY. Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of gastronomy. Students explore local and international cuisine and food establishments while considering entrepreneurship and the roles of client and worker.

4. TOUR OPERATIONS & PACKAGES. Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of tour operations and packages. Students explore and create package holidays based on market segments and trends while considering the roles of client, worker and entrepreneur.

5. CUSTOMER SERVICE. Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of customer service. Students explore local and international business customs through video and text while considering service industry relationships and professionalism at the workplace.

6. VOLUNTOURISM.Speaking, listening, reading and writing activities based on the theme of voluntourism. Students explore positive and negative aspects of this area in order to gain knowledge, awareness and debating skills regarding this worldwide tourism trend.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 2,50 2,50 5,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 4,50 13,50 18,00
Exposició dels estudiants 7,00 9,00 16,00
Prova d'avaluació 13,00 12,50 25,50
Sessió participativa 63,00 22,50 85,50
Total 90,00 60,00 150


  • Paul Dummet, John Hughes, Helen Stephenson (2013). LIFE Upper Intermediate COMBO SPLIT A. HEINLE Cengage Learning.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Task-based learning activities. Students are expected to participate dynamically in all class sessions doing a variety of activities either individually or in pairs and small groups. Students must attend 80% of the classes in order to be in the Continuous Evaluation system. 0
Oral presentations Students must do 2 individual oral presentations, 3-5 minutes in length, which are evaluated on content, language and delivery at the B2.1 level. 12,5
Mid-term test The midterm test will consist of two reading and two listening exercises in order to evaluate the receptive skills gained by students in the first half of the course. 25
In-class writing tests Students will take 2 writing tests during the semester. Both short and longer writing tasks will be evaluated based on the criteria for the B2.1 level. 12,5
End of course test The test will evaluate reading,writing,listening and speaking skills at the B2.1 level at the end of the course.


Evaluation System 2016-17 English for Tourism

Students have two options for passing the course: Continuous Assessment with Final Exam or Final Exam only

Continuous Assessment Option: Coursework (50%) + Final Exam (50%)

In order to qualify for continuous assessment, students must attend at least 80% of the classes.

Additionally, the 6 Homework Writings (see the Syllabus) - designed to teach you writing skills at your course level - must be turned in and then corrected according to the Writing Correction Code (see the Moodle) in order to qualify for Continuous Assessment.

In the event that a student does not complete an assignment on the date set, it will be marked as "Not presented" and given a point value of zero.

Here is the breakdown of the weight each of the evaluated language skills has in the course:

Coursework: 50 points:
Writing 12.5 points: 2 In-class Writings
Speaking 12.5 points: 2 In-class Oral Presentations
Mid-term test 25.0 points: 2-3 Readings (12.5 points) + 2-3 Listenings (12.5 points)

Final Exam: 50 points:
Writing 12.5 points
Speaking 12.5 points
Listening 12.5 points
Reading 12.5 points

To pass the Continuous Assessment Option, a student must achieve a minimum of 50% of the 100 points possible as well as obtain a minimum of 40% in each of the 4 skills.

Final Exam only Option: Final Exam 100%
The final mark will be given by the sum of the results in all the language skills evaluated in the end-of-course test.

Here is the breakdown of the points:

Final Exam: 100 points:
Writing 25 points (2 Writings)
Speaking 25 points (9-minute individual)
Listening 25 points (2-3 Listenings)
Reading 25 points (2-3 Readings)

To pass the Final Exam Option, a student must achieve a minimum of 50% of the 100 points possible as well as obtain a minimum of 40% in each of the 4 skills.

Students who achieve less than 50% (whether by Continuous Assessment or Final Exam) will fail the course. Students whose Final Exam mark is superior to their Continuous Assessment mark will receive the Final Exam mark only.


Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Students who have done neither Continuous Evaluation nor the Final exam will receive the mark "No presentat".


Per cursar aquesta assignatura l'alumne hauria haver consolidat prèviament el nivell B1 d'anglès. És molt important assistir a classe amb regularitat donat que les classes són participatives i que el temari s’avança diàriament.

Students should have a solid B1 level of English to register for this course. Regular class attendance is a priority as classes involve active participation and subject matter is cumulative.

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