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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
Propietats elàstiques dels materials ortotròpics. Teoria de laminats. Efectes higrotèrmics. Criteris de falla. Efectes de vora, delaminació i aplicació dels elements cohesius. Inestabilitat. Micromecànica


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Norbert Blanco Villaverde
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB01 Posseir i comprendre coneixements que aportin una base o oportunitat de ser originals en el desenvolupament i / o aplicació d'idees, sovint en un context de recerca
  • CT04 Treballar en equip
  • CE05 Seleccionar i aplicar tècniques experimentals per a l'obtenció de paràmetres associats al comportament estructural interpretant i integrant de manera crítica els resultats obtinguts.


1. Elastic properties of orthotropic materials

2. Micromechanics of composite materials

3. Laminate theory

4. Hygrothermal effects

5. Failure criteria for composite materials

6. Interlaminar stress and delamination


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 5,00 20,00 25,00
Resolució d'exercicis 4,00 10,00 14,00
Sessió participativa 12,00 0 12,00
Simulacions 9,00 15,00 24,00
Total 30,00 45,00 75


  • Barbero, Ever J (cop. 2011 ). Introduction to composite materials design (2nd ed.). Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis. Catàleg
  • Barbero, Ever J (cop. 1998 ). Introduction to composite materials design . London: Taylor & Francis. Catàleg
  • Barbero, Ever J (cop. 2008 ). Finite element analysis of composite materials . Boca Raton [etc.]: CRC Pres Taylor & Francis Group. Catàleg
  • Herakovich, Carl T (1998 ). Mechanics of fibrous composites . New York [etc.]: Wiley & Sons. Catàleg
  • Mallick, P.K (1993 ). Fiber-reinforced composites : materials, manufacturing, and design (2nd ed., rev. and exp.). New York [etc.]: Dekker. Catàleg
  • Matthews, F.L (1994 ). Composite materials : engineering and science . London [etc.]: Chapman & Hall. Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Practical computer sessions Report including the description of the solution, analysis of the results and conclusions. It will be especially evaluated the correctness of the solution and the interpretation of the results and conclusions. 30
Practical exercises Report including the description of the solution, analysis of the results and conclusions. It will be especially evaluated the correctness of the solution and the interpretation of the results and conclusions. 40
Case studies Report including the description of the solution, analysis of the results and conclusions. It will be especially evaluated the correctness of the solution and the interpretation of the results and conclusions. 30


Exercise program throughout the course and its evaluation by hanging in results and reports.

FM = Final Mark
PE = Practical exercises
CS = Case studies
S = Simulations

FM= 0.4*PE + 0.3*CS + 0.3*S

For a given category (i.e. PE, CS and S), the student will have to present individual reports' covering all the contents of the course. The mark for each category (PE, CS and S) is the mean of the individual reports’ marks.

Students will be asked to deliver different reports based on the different course units and these units will be evaluated, corrected, marked and returned to the student to improve the assimilation of the different concepts of the course. The students will have the opportunity to resubmit exercises that have been marked as not correct. To pass the course, a minimum mark of 5 over 10 is needed.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Those students that do not deliver all the suggested exercises in the stablished period during the course will receive a Not Presented (NP) mark

Assignatures recomanades

  • Eines de pre i post-proces per anàlisis estructurals per elements finits
  • Mecànica de sòlids

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