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Curs acadèmic:
Aquesta assignatura té com a objectiu oferir a l’alumnat eines teòriques i metodològiques que li permetin dur a terme interpretacions crítiques i argumentades dels diversos llenguatges audiovisuals i multimèdia actuals. També pretén obrir una sèrie de dilemes bàsics per comprendre les actuals expressions socials, artístiques i culturals contemporànies després de la crisi de la objectualitat en l'art contemporani, i l'emergència del treball immaterial i creatiu en la societat de la informació, la cultura visual i la era digital.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • B2. Llegir, comprendre i comentar textos científics.
  • B3. Comunicar-se de manera efectiva oralment, per escrit i audiovisualment.
  • B10. Desenvolupar la capacitat d'anàlisi, de síntesi i de judici crític, identificant i argumentant les causes i el context
  • E4. Situar els continguts del propi camp de coneixement en la història i analitzar la seva evolució en relació a altres disciplines culturals


1. PART 1: Changes of paradigm: the notion of creativity in current contemporary frames. Conditions of production, reception and consumption

          1.1. Modernity, Postmodernity; Avantgardes

          1.2. Structuralism, Poststructuralism

          1.3. Fordism, Postfordism

          1.4. Creative and cultural industries (creative factories; intangible work; creative class and governability; precarity; cultural politics and culture as a resource).

2. PART 2: Multiple identities, artistic, cultural and aesthetic of the self

          2.1. The relationship with machines (art and robotics; new interfaces; communities of expression; simulations; creative explorations of the body; cyborgs).

          2.2. Net art (web 2.0; social media and 'social capital'; amateur creativity; intimacy crisis; biopolitics; affective economies).

          2.3. Pràctiques i tecnologies de la dissensió (performance-performativitat; poder i sistema-red; la multitud interconnectada; guerrilla de la comunicació i hacktivisme).

          2.4. Blog art (egologies; novel·les gràfiques; storytelling)

          2.5. Interactivity (electronics) and social interaction (reception and co-creation; aesthetic reception and interactivity; participation; prosumers; art gamers; alternative forms of community relationship).

3. PART 3: Archival pain: ephemeral information and intangible data

          3.1. Internet art and the logics of property (web art; pro-communal activisms).

          3.2. New poetics of the register and the database (digital files; memory and digital register; database ...).

          3.3. Aesthetics of data and connectivity (data visualizations and relationships; big data; relatograms ...).

4. PART 4: Virtual topographies: Expanded spaces and times.

          4.1. Aesthetics of spatiality (drift; mapping and cartography; surveillance and location; geonavigators ...).


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Altres 1,00 0 0 1,00
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 6,00 10,00 0 16,00
Elaboració individual de treballs 5,00 10,00 0 15,00
Treball en equip 18,00 25,00 0 43,00
Total 30,00 45,00 0 75


  • Galarraga Auxkin (2013). Cultura y creatividad en nueva economía urbana evidencias,discursos y críticas. evista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas, (20), 33-55
  • Morley, David (1996). Postmodernism: a guide. Dins (Ed.), Cultural Studies and Communication (, p. 85-108). Bloomsbury Academic.

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Individual partial task: Relatogram D- It is spoken from personal opinions, without any other argument / No use is made of the course information or additional bibliography / The articles read are copied indiscriminately / The work does not meet the minimum requirements required in a university work ( arrangement, coherence in the argument, bibliography, presentation ...) / It does not do what is asked. INSUFFICIENT (3 - 4).
C- The information of the course is used in order to address the proposed topic: the most obvious topics and positions are indicated without going into depth. APPROVED (5 - 6).
B- An effort is made to work from the perspective of the course and to use the basic bibliography correctly when delving into the proposals. The positions and conceptions underlying the materials worked on are properly positioned and contextualized. NOTABLE (7 - 8).
A- The proposed topics serve as a reference to address new problems and relationships between the issues addressed in the course. Other perspectives relevant to the topic are considered. The ideological and political implications and consequences of the identified positions are considered. The student is able to position and argue solidly in their own position. EXCELLENT (9 - 10).
30 No
Group task: implementation of a language Ability to work collaboratively and in groups.
Consistency between the chosen language, topic and approach
Good technical and aesthetic quality of the proposal
Critical ability

30 No
Practical individual reconstruction: Logbook It will be valued as in all written works, the correct writing, citing bibliography, provide evidence in each of the sections, degree of reflexivity and critical analysis, originality and relevance of the proposal, provide images and references with the correct descriptive legend, etc. 30 No
Assistance and commitment Participate actively in classes and have an attitude of predisposition and good communication.

10 No


D- It is spoken from personal opinions, without any other argument / The course information is not used / The articles read are copied indiscriminately / The work does not meet the minimum requirements required in a university work (arrangement, coherence in the argument, bibliography, presentation ...) / It does not do what is asked. Poorly presented aesthetic presentation, significant misspellings ... INSUFFICIENT (3 - 4).
C- The information of the course is used in order to address the proposed topic: the most obvious topics and positions are indicated without going into depth. The work presents the minimum aesthetic standards. APPROVED (5 - 6).
B- An effort is made to work from the perspective of the course and to use the basic bibliography correctly when delving into the proposals. The positions and conceptions underlying the materials worked on are properly positioned and contextualized. The balance between information and aesthetic presentation has not yet been achieved. NOTABLE (7 - 8).
A- The proposed topics serve as a reference to address new problems and relationships between the issues addressed in the course. Other perspectives relevant to the topic are considered. The ideological and political implications and consequences of the identified positions are considered. The student is able to position and argue solidly in their own position. Good aesthetic resolution. EXCELLENT (9 - 10)

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
To pass this assignment, the attendance of 70% of the classes is essential.
Given that it is an ongoing evaluation, it is essential that the various works be submitted within the established deadline. If this is not the case and there is no greater justification for not submitting the partial papers, they will automatically be counted as a 0.
Therefore it is considered a Not Presented only in the case that the exercise is not presented for justified major causes (accident, illness ...).

Avaluació única:
Due to the characteristics of this subject, and the continuous evaluation, the single assessment option is not considered. The knowledge, learning strategies and competencies that this subject conveys involve a continuous work of maturation in which, progressively, the students obtain feedbacks of the various achievements thanks to the continuous evaluation. The various assessment tasks that are contemplated are designed from a progression in their complexity so that the students consolidate and reinforce the learning and competencies to be achieved.

Requisits mínims per aprovar:
To be considered to have passed the subject, it will be necessary to obtain a minimum grade of 5.0 after having taken the average with the various submissions.


As long as they can be done in person, they will do so. In the event that the COVID-19 crisis persists, the tutorials can be done virtually (on the platform agreed by ERAM as the official one), and the way to request them will be either via email to the teacher or via intereram in the tutorial application section.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

The channels of communication and interaction with students will be the usual ones: in class, by email and by moodle. In the event that it is necessary to switch to semi-face-to-face or virtual teaching, communication and interaction will be intensified via virtual classrooms, moodle and interim notifications.


The course will focus on artistic movements and contemporary audiovisual languages from the 1960s onwards, and on all the facts and debates related to audiovisual and multimedia practice that characterize contemporary culture.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
The activities can be done both in person in a context of normality and exceptional due to the crisis of COVID-19, as they are activities that due to the theoretical-practical nature of the subject, can be carried out in a virtual context if necessary. . Only in the case of group work, which consists of making a creative proposal choosing a visual language, if small groups of students who decide to do the joint work cannot carry out the action for a new confinement, creative solutions will be sought. in the proposal to see how the group creation can be done as it has been done in the previous year

Modificació de l'avaluació:
The assessment can be carried out in both a normal and exceptional context due to the crisis of COVID-19, as these are tasks that must be delivered to moodle and that being continuous assessment, students are receiving guidelines from the what to do and how to do it and they can be done perfectly at home, as they are homework assignments and no exam is done.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutorials in case of exceptionality due to a new crisis of COVID-19 would be done via virtual classroom (meet or zoom depending on the official route chosen by the ERAM). In the case of communication, the channels will be the usual ones, moodle and interam.

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