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Mrs.   Pato , Alexia

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Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Filosofia del Dret

Brief CV

Alexia Pato is a visiting professor of Private International Law at the UdG, as well as the head of the area since September 2021. She teaches Private International Law (Bachelor's Degree in Law) and is one of the lecturers teaching Civil and Special Litigation to master students (Master's Degree in Advocacy). She is also in charge of an optional course on Judicial Cooperation in Civil Matters.

Alexia holds a Ph.D. in Law from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (awarded in 2017). Her thesis critically analyse the regulatory mismatch between collective redress instruments implemented at the national level and the European regulations on international jurisdiction (Brussels Ia Regulation). Hence, her research project concludes that the creation of a particular forum for cross-border collective actions in the European Union is needed, the details of which are provided in the last chapter of her thesis. The thesis is published by the prestigious publishing house Hart Publishing (Jurisdiction and Cross-Border Collective Redress – A European Private International Law Perspective, Hart Publishing, 2019).

Since then, Alexia's work on collective redress extended to the data protection field. Her most notable contribution is a paper written for the 3rd IAPL-MPI Summer School (“The Collective Private Enforcement of Data Protection Rights in the EU”, in L. Cadiet, B. Hess and M. Requejo Isidro (eds), Privatizing Dispute Resolution – Trends and Limits, Nomos, 2019, pp. 131-154). She gained great visibility at a European level thanks to this she regularly participates in international seminars/congresses, together with renowned experts. Several of her works on this matter were cited by the Advocate General in case C-319/20 of the CJEU.

After the completion of her doctoral thesis, Dr. Pato worked in Germany in the department of Prof. Matthias Weller. For three years (2017-2019), she was in charge of investigating rules on the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in different organisations of regional economic integration (MERCOSUR, ASEAN, EU, CEMAC and OHADA) within the framework of a research project. Later on, her experience enabled her to write a postdoctoral thesis on the recognition and enforcement of mediation agreements in an international context at McGill University (Montreal, Canada) under the supervision of Prof. Geneviève Saumier .

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