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Dr.  Sáez Puig, Àlvar

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Brief CV

Dr. Álvar Sáez Puig

Doctor in Architecture with the doctoral thesis Els estudis de públic com a eina de gestion en els museus: Estudi de cas dels museus de la Fundació Gala-Salvador Dalí de Figueres i el Museu Picasso de Barcelona with an Excellent Cum Laude grade from the International University of Catalonia (2017).

Official Master in Cultural Management (research) from the UOC-UIB-UDG (2014).

Postgraduate in Cultural Tourism from the University of Barcelona (2011).

Postgraduate in Multilingual Education from the University of Barcelona (1998).

Master in Museology and Cultural Heritage Management from the University of Barcelona (1998).

Postgraduate in the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude from the University of Barcelona (1996).

Degree in Geography and History: History of Art from the University of Barcelona (1996).

University teacher in the Degree in Tourism Centers Affiliated to the University of Girona.

Tutor and teacher in the Postgraduate Course in Cultural Tourism and Creative Territories at the University of Barcelona.

University professor in the Degree in Humanities of the UNED.

Development of tourism and cultural projects for public and private institutions.

Member of the LABPATC of the University of Barcelona.

Member of the GRHAD Research Group of the International University of Catalonia.

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