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Mr.   Daunis i Estadella, Pepus

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Estadística i Anàlisi de Dades Composicionals (GR-EADC)

Brief CV

Pepus Daunis-i-Estadella had a degree in mathematical sciences (UAB) and a PhD in the program of Statistics and Operations Research (UPC) within the framework of factorial analysis and, more specifically, within correspondence analysis and problems related with their inertia. He is Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of Girona.

His teaching focuses on both basic statistics and more advanced statiscal methods in multivariate statistics analysis: factorial methods and clustering.

The research focuses on three areas:

    analysis of compositional data , where he has published theoretical contributions to the development of specific methodology for compositional data and applications in different fields: geology , archeology, animal welfare...
    methods of data fusion , which seeks to integrate information from large databases with applications to health data merging health examinations and surveys or data consumption and media audience.
    applications of statistics in medical research , specifically in the fields of radiology and medical imaging of heart attacks, stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

He has published in various journals: Computers & Geosciences, Computational Statistics, Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, American Journal of Neuroradiology, Journal of Neuroimaging...

He is a member of the research group GREAD (Research Group on Statistics and Data Analysis ) research group distinguished by the Government of Catalonia .
Among other positions , he has been vice-director of the Polytechnic School and secretary of the Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics..

He is currently vice-rector for Quality and Transparency of the University of Girona since December 2017.

ORCID 0000-0001-6134-9255
Researcher ID B-9082-2011
Scopus Author ID 14041287900

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