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Mr.   Guerrero Garcia, Jose Manuel

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Anàlisi i Materials Avançats per al Disseny Estructural (AMADE)

Brief CV

Doctor by the University of Girona. Currently, lecturer professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Construction (EMCI), and also researcher at the Research Group AMADE (Analysis and Advanced Materials for Structural Design). His doctoral thesis consisted in the numerical modeling at the micromechanical level of hybrid and non-hybrid unidirectional composite materials under fibre tensile loading. From this thesis, 5 articles were published in international journals.

The research topics are related to the numerical and analytical modeling of the fracture of fiber-reinforced polymer matrix composites. Specifically, the following research lines are highlighted: (1) Micromechanical modeling of composites with semi-analytical tools; (2) Simulation of hybrid composite - metallic bolted structures under thermal loads; (3) Simulation of large composite structures with reasonable computation time and accuracy; (4) Numerical modeling and design of experimental tests for composite materials subjected to dynamic loading; (5) Realistic simulations of the fracture process of composites using continuum damage models; (6) Analysis of fracture properties of 3D printed composites; (7) Testing and analysis of composite materials under cryogenic temperatures. Participation in competitive research and technology transfer projects with companies in the sector is also highlighted.

Teaching activity in Mechanical Engineering and Industrial Engineering degree studies in mechanical subjects. Professor in the Master's in Mechanics of Materials and Structures of the UdG in finite element subjects.

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