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Mrs.   Marti Llambrich, Carolina

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca Laboratori d'Anàlisi i Gestió del Paisatge

Brief CV

She is PhD in Geography, specialised on Planning and Environmental Management (UdG, 2005). From 2001 she is a member of the Department of Geography, in the University of Girona, where she is lecturing in the degree of Geography, Planning and Environmental Management; in the degree of Environmental Sciences; and the degree of Tourism, as well as in the Master of Environmental Change: analysis and management; in the Master of Tourism: Management and Planning; and in the Master in Science and Water Technology.
She is a member of the research group "Laboratory of Landscape Analysis and Management" (UdG) and the Institute of Environment (UdG).

Given its expertise in Geographic Information Systems, analysis and management of coastal areas, and relations between tourism and the use / consumption of natural resources, their research focuses on the study of the transformation of the landscape, especially in coastal areas, and in designing integrated strategies to management and develop a sustainable coastal tourism. In this area, she has published several book chapters and various research papers in indexed journals as Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Journal of Coastal Research, Journal of Geography, Ocean and Coastal Management, Environmental Management as well as national journals as Ería or Documents d'Anàlisi geogràfica.

She has participated in many research projects at international, national and regional levels, which include: "Models of Integrated Tourism in the Mediterranean" (EU INTERREG IV A, 2014-2015), "Exploring the resilience of beaches within the process of global change: risks and opportunities"(MECO, 2014-2016),"Methodologies and knowledge to validate a new integrated model of beaches management as an aim of ICZM"(MICINN 2010-2012),"Synergies between landscape and tourism in Costa Rica "(AECI, 2008-2009),"Protection and tourist value of archaeological sites in the region of Piracicaba (Sao Paulo)"(AECI, 2007-2009), "Functional delimitation of conservation elements as an objective of integrated coastal zone management: the main ecological structure"(MEC, 2006- 2009); "Landscape catalogues of Camp de Tarragona and Girona region" (Landscape Observatory of Catalonia and DPTOP, 2005-2008); "Methodology of beaches valuation as a support of integrated coastal management in Tourist Regions" (Ministry of Education and Science from 2003 to 2006) and "Mapping the transformation of the coastal landscape of Catalonia in the period 1800-2000" (Ministry of Science and Technology, 2002-2005).

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