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Dr.  Llop Manero, Miquel Francesc

Personal page

Brief CV

Degree in Industrial Engineering, specializing in Chemistry (1990) and PhD in Industrial Engineering, Chemical Processes (1997) by the “Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya”. Associate professor of Thermodynamics (1990) and Chemistry (1990/91). Became a professor (1991) at the Department of Chemical Engineering at the same university. He became a professor of the University of Girona from 1991 until today.

His research activity begins at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya in the improvement of the use of low quality coal for gasification in a fluidized bed and a circulating bed, analyzing the fluidized beds under pressure and temperature. At the University of Girona, he joins the LEPAMAP research group, which works on deinking paper, the modification of natural fibers and the reinforcement of plastic materials, participating in various research projects. It also focuses on analyzing the behavior of fluidized beds using a variety of techniques. He is the co-author of numerous scientific publications in national and international journals, in book chapters and participation in both national and international conferences. He has published teaching papers and numerous didactic notes.

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