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Mr.   Perez Burriel, Marc

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Llenguatge i cognició

Brief CV

My research focuses on the study of the intersubjective motivations and capacities, and its relation with the health and wellness, as well as with the psychological suffering and mental disorders.

Intersubjectivity is defined as the innate human predisposition to share with others emotions, intentions, desires, meanings and symbols, stories and theories or paradigms. This intrinsic motivation device, which operates in parallel with other motivational devices such as the "attachment" or “sexuality”, has key moments or hallmarks in their development. The study of the ontogenesis of intersubjectivity is therefore an important area of attention for my research.

From the theoretical framework that some authors have labeled Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB), the mind is seen as an self-organizing emergent process that is both embodied and relational, and that regulates, as well as arises from, the flow of energy and information within us and between us. The study of the developmental trajectories of the intersubjective capacities therefore,  is related to the study of so-called intra-mental "higher psychological (or brain) functions" and inter-mental (or inter-brain) scaffolding processes . This study also leads us to study nonstandard or atypical paths of development as developmental psychopathology shows us the need to understand both normal and abnormal development together

Within the Laboratory of Attachment and Human Development we have started one more area that wants to study the effectiveness of George Downing’s Video Intervention Therapy (VIT).


Member of the Reflective Learning Teaching Innovation Network (University of Girona)

Member of the Research Group of the Department of Psychology: Laboratory of Attachment and Human Development

Secretary of the Laboratory de Human Development (Lab-DH)

Secretary of the International Attachment Network- Iberoamericana (IAN-IA)


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