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Mrs.   Verdaguer Murla, Maria Dolors

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca en Sòls i vegetació en la Mediterrània

Brief CV


I’m graduate in Biology by the Autonomous University of Barcelona and Ph.D in Biological Sciences by the University of Girona. My research is focused on three major areas: plant development, plant vegetative regeneration and ecophysiology of plants under stress. In particular, I devote special efforts to understand the development of the root system, and how environmental factors modulate this process in different woody Mediterranean species. I also study the development of underground organs that allow plants to vegetative regeneration after a disturbance resulting in aerial biomass elimination (e.g. forest fires). And finally, I am interested in determining the mechanisms, at morphological, physiological and biochemical level, that Mediterranean plants have to deal with the water deficit and/ or high UV radiation in the context of Climate Change. I’ve participate in several competitive research project, in some of them as main researcher, funded by national or international programs. Results obtained have been published in international journals with a high impact factor (ISI). I am currently the coordinator of the Emerging Consolidated Research Group from the Government of Catalonia "Soil and Vegetation in the Mediterranean" (2014SGR1605) and also of the UdG research group-GRCT0093. I’ve supervised two theses and I’m currently supervising three more. I combine research with teaching at the UdG, being professor since 2000. I teach in the undergraduate programs in Biology and Biotechnology, and in the official Master’s degree of Environmental Change.

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