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Dra.  Ferrusola Pastrana, Anna

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Brief CV

Anna Ferrusola Pastrana. Lecturer at EUSES. Anna completed her PhD at the University of Kent and has been working in the field of Parkinson's research since 2017. During that time, she has helped with developing a multi-modal exercise class for people with PD, which she currently runs online on a weekly basis. Additionally, her research investigates biomarkers linked to neuroplasticity. Concurrently, she has been working as a specialist exercise after stroke instructor for the Stroke Association and has also fulfiled different teaching roles in higher education for the Kent’s Digital and Lifelong Learning (DaLL) as module convenor for Human Physiology and Disease. As a GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant) at the University of Kent, Anna has been involved with the following modules: Exercise Prescription, Referral & Rehabilitation, Human Physiology, Fitness Training Methods at the UoK. She has concurrently worked as a specialist exercise after stroke instructor for the Stroke Association (after coompleting the Level 4 Specialist After Stroke Instructor Qualification), as well as leading a specific exercise programme for people with Parkinson’s for the last 4 years (which she still runs on a weekly basis). Anna has presented her work in several conferences, such as the European College of Sports Science (ECSS) Congress (2019 and 2020) and Future Physiology (2019), among others.

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