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Mrs.   San Millán Alonso, Marta

Personal page

Area of knowledge
Research group
Grup de Recerca d'Anatomia Clínica, Embriologia i Neurociència (NEOMA)

Brief CV

I studied Biology at the University Auto´noma of Madrid, and meanwhile collaborated with a molecular biology department as the result for being a student with brilliant performance (aprovechamiento académico excelente; Consejería de Educación de la Comunidad de Madrid). I achieved  an inter-university Master Degree in Physical Anthropology: human evolution and biodiversity across the University Autónoma of Madrid, University Complutense and University of Alcalá de Henares, and was published by the university publishers as a book chapter, owing to my Master’s dissertation having the highest score of the committee. After, I was granted “FPU Formación de Profesorado Universitario” doctoral grant from the Ministerio de Educación, cultura y deporte in the University of Barcelona, where I defended my PhD dissertation with Excellent Cum Laude and International PhD qualifications. During my PhD, I gained familiarity with big data analysis using R program and an extensive practice and background in geometric morphometric analysis which led to its subsequent application in human evolution locomotor patterns (San-Millán et al., 2015) and legal medicine and bioarchaeological contexts (San-Millán et al., 2017b). In addition, long-lasting training in age-at-death estimation and pelvic-based markers together with several stays in different and prestigious skeletal collections in national and international research facilities (one granted REF: AP2010-0595) have allowed me to publish in some of the best journals in this field (San-Millán et al., 2013; 2017a; 2019; Rissech et al., 2019; San-Millán & Rissech, 2023). I participated in different field excavations (paleontological, archaeological and anthropological contexts) and in diverse national and international congresses as a communicator and as an organizing or scientific committee. Taking advantage on my large skeletal experience, I did an 8-month postdoc stay in the dissection laboratory of  the human anatomy Department in July of 2019 (Medical School, University of Girona), after which I started lecturing there in September of 2020. I am currently a researcher belonging to the Clinical Anatomy, Embryology and Neuroscience Research Group (NEOMA, GRCT0086) and the Experimental neurophysiology and clinical anatomy (“Grup de Reserca consolidat” SGR, Code: 00619), where I actively participate in the experimentation and dissemination of clinical results for application in traumatology and surgery (Noriego et al., 2022; Marí-Gorreto et al., 2023) and anaesthesiology (Bovaira et al., 2022), among other medical specialities. Furthermore, I have supervised 13 undergraduate Physiotherapy students and I am currently the co-director of a PhD medical student who has received funding from a competitive project from SECOT, foundation promoted by the Spanish Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology and FEA (Spanish Fundation of Arthrosocopy). Also, it is important to highlight my extensive teaching experience because I have combined it with research since the beginning. In fact, I started to collaborate in undergraduate teaching during my Master’s degree thanks to a two-year Starting Postgraduate Studies fellowship of the University Autónoma of Madrid that included this task. Since then, I have around more than 2000 accredited teaching hours so far in five different institutions (University Autónoma of Madrid, University of Barcelona, University of Girona, University School of Health and Sport Girona and Barcelona) and six grades (biology, environmental science, biomedicine, medicine, nursing and physiotherapy). In addition, for my professional development, I have assisted in more than 900 hours trainings so far to learn and improve my teaching skills, especially in innovation programs and approaches, participating in a international congress (CIDUI) and being part of the official teaching innovation network Health perspectives in university education (University of Girona). To complement my knowledge, I have attended to different specialization courses in statistics, R code, geometric morphometrics, human anatomy, plastination techniques, clinical approaches, etc. This career has been recognized through a PAD accreditation from the ANECA in 2017, a research six-year term “sexenio de investigación” from AQU in 2021 and a Lector accreditation from the AQU in 2023. Given my background in physical anthropology, forensics and human evolution as well as my recent involvement in other disciplines such as gross and clinical anatomy, I use my current knowledge to investigate on research lines applied to disciplines such as legal medicine, clinical anatomy, and public health.

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