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Cerca de socis: Cerca de tecnologies per a la rehabilitació neurològica

Espanya: Clínica especialitzada en l'ajuda de pacients amb accidents vasculars cerebrals ha creat un gimnàs per a la recuperació d'aquests i busca tecnologies per a l'ajuda d'aquests pacients.

A Spanish SME is specialised in helping patients with neurological injuries to recover mobility and independence. The company has an innovative clinic, designed like a gym, with more than 250 sqm and equipped with the most advanced technology in rehabilitation.

The company is seeking new technologies to be tried and applied in its clinic, as well as partnership for the development of new products, equipment and solutions addressed to patients with stroke and other neurological diseases. For that purpose, the company is looking for developers of neurological rehabilitation technologies in order to reach commercial agreements with technical assistance or technical cooperation agreements.

The sought partner should have high specialisation in development of technologies for neurological rehabilitation. In addition, it is advisable that the partner has experience in international cooperation.

Contact: Alba Quer, 0034 93 551 74 16,


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