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AI Research Assistants for NASA

With the AI Assistants challenge, NASA is seeking innovative approaches to help assess emerging capabilities in AI-based research assistants.

Your solution: A list of research assistant tasks is provided on the Problem Description, covering areas such as literature summarization, citation analysis, recommender systems and more. You will be able to choose one or more of these tasks to address with your solution. You will submit a video demonstrating your solution, along with a short writeup providing additional detail. Videos are not expected to be highly professional or polished, but should clearly demonstrate the value of your solution. You are also permitted to make one midpoint submission to get initial feedback on your proposed solution.

Judging and prizes: A panel of NASA experts will judge solutions, with prizes awarded to the 4 highest ranked solutions overall. Solutions may make use of third-party software and services, provided that these dependencies are documented in your submission (see the challenge rules). Finally, you are welcome to use large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT as part of your solution, but there is no requirement to use LLMs.

Eligibility criteria: The Competition is open to all natural persons who are a legal resident of a country, state, province or territory within the Territory, are not the target of any trade sanctions administered or enforced by the United States, and, at the date of entry, are at least eighteen years of age and the age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence.


1st place - $13,000

2nd place - $8,000

3rd place- $5,000

4th place - $4,000

Link to the opportunity:

Third-party opportunity identified by ACCIÓ

Contacte OITT:


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