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Demanda tecnològica:Asbestos end user association to develop an international asbestos network

International consortium coordinated by an Italian university is developing Horizon 2020 proposal to set up an international support and training network tool on asbestos in Europe. The consortium is looking for end users (policy makers, institutions, business organisations) in Spain, France, Portugal, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia former Rep. of Yugoslavia, Serbia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Germany

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Italian university coordinating Horizon 2020 project proposal aimed at providing tools for evidence-based public health policies is looking for  different experiences to finalise the project consortium. The consortium is already composed by eight partners from Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Hungary, Greece, Republic of Moldova, Romania, and USA. The project aims at elaborating and implementing a common proposal of good practices regarding prevention, diagnosis and compensation, addressed to EU Member States, by setting up an international network to provide relevant contributions, comparatively analyzing the different situations regarding exposures, health outcomes, skills and procedures, in order to identify strenghts and weaknesses. A relevant role will be also taken on by populations, their social and political representatives, or other stakeholders, whom will be asked for their needs and urgencies.The final aim is to elaborate a common prevention strategy (social and healthcare final actions) and promote formation and information activities for health professionals, stakeholders, and general population (educational final actions). These efforts will be crucial to eventually promote a fruitful transfer of skills and knowledge from the States with a stronger expertise in dealing with asbestos – i.e. those who implemented policies earlier – to the others, thus strengthening the potential improvements of healthcare standards for all European citizens. The consortium is looking for end users such as policy makers, regional and national institutions (healthcare, public health, security, social security, safety and environmental departments), business organizations, industry associations, patient organizations, asbestos patient groups, workers’ safety associations.The partners will have to validate and support the consortium in the definition of recommendations and proposals regarding the issues of asbestos prevention, diagnosis and compensation. The partners will be actively involved in all project activities (workshops etc.). Dissemination to specific countries: Spain, France, Portugal, Balkans area (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia – former Rep. of Yugoslavia, Serbia), baltic area (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania), Germany. Asbestos-Related Diseases (ARDs) may affect exposed workers, their families, or people living near factories producing Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs), even with a long latency. Several EU statements pinpoint the need for harmonization the huge differences regarding primary, secondary and tertiary prevention, diagnostic protocols, compensation procedures for formerly exposed people, in order to ensure equal public health standard for all European citizens. 

Call “setting the priority for a European environment, climate and health strategic agenda”.


Cofinance - 100%

Deadline for EOI – 20 March 2018

Deadline for Call – 18/04/2018 

Referència: RDIT20180226001


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