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Institut de Química Computacional i Catàlisi

The Institute of Computational Chemistry and Catalysis (IQCC) of the University of Girona (UdG) is a worldwide reference unit in computational chemistry and catalysis that aims at carrying out groundbreaking research on predictive chemistry for catalysis, with special focus on the processes occurring at the confined space for the coming years. One of the pillars is Education, in view of which the IQCC is publishing a call for six scholarships for UdG students.

Below you will find a list of research lines by the PIs of the IQCC, who have presented their research at the 2024 edition of the IQCC Science Slam. Once you have made your choice(s), indicate your preferences on . The general rules of this call can be found in the following document (in Catalan): . In principle the six scholarships will be given to three scholarships for third year UdG students (scholarship of 1 month) and three scholarships for fourth year UdG students (scholarship of 2 months). It is expected that each research group of the IQCC (DIMOCAT, QBIS-CAT, TCBioSys) will have one third year student, and one fourth year student. All details on how to apply (including the deadline), and which documents to present, are given in the Call which is published at the UdG Announcements Board .

Aqui trobareu una llista de línies de recerca dels IPs de l’IQCC, que van presentar la seva recerca al 2023 Science Slam de l’IQCC. Quan heu fet les vostres preferències, marca-les al  . El reglament general d’aquesta convocatoria trobareu en aquest document: . En principi les sis beques aniran destinades a 3 beques per estudiants UdG de tercer any de grau (beca de 1 mes), i 3 beques per estudiants de quart any de grau (beca de 2 mesos). Està previst que cada grup de recerca de l’IQCC tingui un/-a estudiant de tercer any, i un/-a de quart any. Tots detalls de la convocatoria (amb la data final per entregar els documents), i quins documents per presentar, estan posats a la Convocatoria que està publicat al Tauler d’annuncis de la UdG .

DIMOCAT: Disseny i Modelatge de Reaccions Catalitzades per Metalls de Transició 

Research line PI
Biocatalytic intermediates for the discovery and design of new enzymatic activities Dr. Marc Garcia-Borràs
Molecular recognition and bioinspired catalysis with artificial receptors Dr. Agustí Lledó
Nonlinear optical properties and theoretical chemistry Dr. Josep M. Luis
Transition metals in organic synthesis Dr. Anna Pla-Quintana
Multicatalysis for the functionalization of organic substrates, water oxidation and CO2 fixation Dr. Albert Poater
Catalysis and aromaticity Prof. Miquel Solà

QBISCAT: Química Bioinspirada, Supramolecular i Catàlisi

Research line PI
Light-driven C-H amination and multivariate linear regression models for reaction development Dr. Arnau Call
Unravelling the mechanisms behind O2 and N2O activation Dr. Anna Company
Biologically inspired design of transition metal reactivity and catalysis Prof. Miquel Costas
Sustainable C-H functionalization catalysis and Supramolecular chemistry at the confined space of nanocapsules Prof. Xavi Ribas

TCBioSys: Theoretical Chemistry of Biosystems

Research line PI
Excited states and non-adiabatic processes Prof. Lluís Blancafort
Accelerating (bio)molecular recognition, assembly, and catalysis Dr. Ferran Feixas
Computational design of proficient enzymes Prof. Sílvia Osuna
Chemical concepts from wavefunction analysis Dr. Pedro Salvador
Spinning around in transition-metal chemistry Prof. Marcel Swart

 Documentació a presentar (termini de presentacio: 7 al 13 de maig (Secretaria IQCC, Fac. Ciències;

  • Expedient acadèmic extret per la web La + Meva que inclou les notes de les assignatures, el total de crèdits superat, i la nota mitjana ponderada
  • Fotocòpia DNI
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Còpia titulació d’estudis d’anglés
  • Printout e-mail rebut després de haver posat les preferències al .

Our definitions of 3rd year and 4th year students can be found in the Reglament.

The link to the announcement/L’enllaç de l’anunci:
3rd year students/estudiants de 3r any: link/enllaç
4th year students/estudiants de 4t any: link/enllaç
eadline/Data limit: 13/05/2024

Girona, May 7th, 2024
For more info:

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