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Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental

Participation in the 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European & 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress

Jordi Colomer and Teresa Serra, together with other researchers, participate in the 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European & 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress with an oral presentation entitled "Assessing science and dance education through cooperative-reflective practices". This study has been conducted within the “Dissemination and Innovation in the Teaching of Physics” research line of the Environmental Physics group.

The 30th FIEP World, 14th FIEP European & 2nd FIEP Catalan Congress, held in Barcelona on 27-29 June 2019, is a meeting point for thinking about, studying and proposing how Physical Activity, Sport, Physical Education or Performing Arts can be tools for transforming society. The latest advances in Science or experiences taken place in all over the world will be presented to illustrate how these tools can help to live in a better society and to address the challenges of this millennium.

Jordi Colomer and Teresa Serra, together with researchers from the group on Education, Heritage and Intermediate Arts (GREPAI: Grup de recerca en Educació, Patrimoni i Arts Intermèdia), participate in the FIEP Congress with the presentation entitled "Assessing science and dance education through cooperative-reflective practices" within the session “Oral Presentations IX: Physical activity and sport for social transformation”.

This study has been conducted within the “Dissemination and Innovation in the Teaching of Physics” research line of the Environmental Physics group.



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