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Grup de Recerca en Física Ambiental

25th Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters

Teresa Serra has participated in the Workshop Physical Processes in 25th on Physical Processes in Natural Waters, held in Brescia from 19 to 23 June 2023. Dr. Serra, member of the Environmental Physics research group, contributed with an oral presentation in the framework of the Plastikhum project.

The 2023 Annual International Workshop on Physical Processes in Natural Waters (PPNW2023). This year the conference was held in Brescia, Italy, in the period 19-23 June 2023 and hosted by Università degli Studi di Brescia.

The PPNW workshops focus on physical processes in inland and coastal waters and their interaction with biogeochemical, atmospheric, and groundwater processes. PPNW is an open workshop that actively seeks collaboration with related fields such as physical oceanography, atmospheric sciences, and engineering.  This moderate-sized meeting of 40-60 participants is designed to provide a collaborative atmosphere with an effective balance of presentations and time for discussion.

Within this context, Dr. Serra, in collaboration with Dr. Colomer and Dr. Barcelona, contribute to the PPNW 2023 with an oral presentation entitled “Stem stiffness behaviour in an oscillatory flow submerged canopy patch”. The summary of Dr. Serra's presentation can be found in the documents appended to this publication.



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