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Article: Changes and challenges in the transition to adulthood: views and experiences of young

Dr. Maria Pallisera, Dr. Montserrat Vilà, Dr.Judit Fullana together with other authors, publish the paper entitled “Proposals for improving the transition process of young people with intellectual disabilities in Spain: insights from focus groups of professionals, young people and their families” in the European Journal of Special Needs Education , Volume 33, 2018 - Issue 3.

This article has been published online the 27 March 2017 in the European Journal of Special Needs Education.

This research aims to present proposals that can improve the transition to adulthood of young people with intellectual disabilities (ID). Four focus groups were set up in three different cities in Spain, each comprising education and social work professionals, people with ID and family members. In total, 32 participants were included in the study. The discussions were recorded, transcribed and analysed using thematic content analysis. Improvements proposed by participants were organised into six themes: coordination between services and professionals; curricular approaches; participation by young people with ID; peer-relationship networks; family and administration. Participants highlighted the need to make the curriculum more flexible and foster curricular experiences related to social and workplace inclusion, as well as establish more continuity in guidance processes throughout the different stages of education and especially at the end of secondary education. Participants also suggested the need for young people with ID to have a more prominent role in their educational process, and strengthening their social networks by promoting their participation in community activities.


To cite this article:

Maria Pallisera, Montserrat Vilà, Judit Fullana, Montse Castro, Carolina Puyaltó & Gemma Díaz-Garolera (2018) Proposals for improving the transition process of young people with intellectual disabilities in Spain: insights from focus groups of professionals, young people and their families, European Journal of Special Needs Education, 33:3, 287-301, DOI: 10.1080/08856257.2017.1306966


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