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Comparative Minds Research Group

New Study Reveals Similarities in Gestural Communication Between Humans and Spider Monkeys

A new study conducted by an international team of researchers, from the Universitat de Girona and University of Leipzig, has provided a unique insight into gestural communication in spider monkeys, a species of Platyrrhine (neotropical) primates.

The findings, published in Animal Cognition reveal surprising similarities between gestural communication in spider monkeys and that of humans, suggesting that some features previously considered exclusive to human language may be more common in the animal kingdom than previously thought.


Spider monkeys, known for their complex social structures and arboreal lifestyles, have long been of interest to researchers studying primate behaviour. Despite their intriguing characteristics, relatively little is known about their communication systems compared to other primate species.

This study sheds light on the gestural communication of spider monkeys, a species that has captured the curiosity of scientists for decades," comments Dr. Federica Amici . “By studying these fascinating primates, we can gain valuable insights into the evolution of communication and social behaviour in primates, including humans.”

The study builds upon previous research primarily focused on great apes, expanding our understanding of gestural communication across different primate taxa. While much of what we know about gestural communication comes from studies with great apes, this study underscores the importance of investigating communication in a broader range of primate species.

The study, conducted over six months with a group of spider monkeys in their natural environment at Punta Laguna (México), reveals that these primates use both tactile and visual gestures in various contexts, from social play to agonistic interactions. Surprisingly, spider monkeys show sensitivity to the attentional state of recipients when performing gestures, a feature reminiscent of human communication.

Spider monkeys share several facets of their communication systems with humans, including large gestural repertoires, variation in the use of tactile and visual gestures, and sensitivity to the attentional state of recipients,” explained Dr. Miquel Llorente, researcher from the Universitat de Girona and one of the authors of the study. “These findings suggest that some properties long thought to be necessary for the evolution of human language may be widely distributed among species.”

However, the study also identified several limitations, including the observation of only one group of spider monkeys over a limited period of time and the exclusion of other communicative signals, such as vocalizations and facial expressions, due to the difficulty to record this data in the field. “This study is just the first step in our understanding of gestural communication in spider monkeys,” adds Dr. Llorente. “We hope that future research will address some of the identified limitations and provide a more comprehensive insight into this fascinating form of communication.”

These findings not only deepen our understanding of the evolution of communication but also hold implications for the conservation of the endangered spider monkeys and other primate species. By uncovering the intricacies of their gestural communication, researchers can better tailor conservation strategies to protect these fascinating creatures and their habitats.

Press Contact:

Dr. Miquel Llorente, Comparative Minds Research Group

Article: Villa-Larenas, F., Llorente, M., Liebal, K., & Amici, F. (2024). Gestural communication in wild spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi). Animal Cognition, 27(1), 18.


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