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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
L'objectiu principal d'aquest curs és que els estudiants que estan realitzant el doctorat a la UdG puguin començar a analitzar, des del punt de vista estadístic, un conjunt de dades i obtenir conclusions recolzades en la metodologia presentada. Així mateix, els estudiants adquiriran una cultura estadística que els permetrà enfrontar-se a una lectura crítica inicial d'articles científics. Tots els conceptes presentats en el curs es tractaran de forma pràctica amb un programari específic d'anàlisi de dades. Introducció a l'programari estadístic. Lectura de dades i operacions amb variables. Descripció de dades unidimensionals. Descripció de dades bidimensionals. Mesures d'associació. Introducció a la inferència estadística. Estimació i contrastos Ajust en models de regressió. Regressió lineal i regressió logística.


Altres Competències

  • CG1- Select and systematize the information efficiently CG2- Communicate orally and in writing on topics of their specialty in an original and creative way, adapting to the audience or the recipients (expert and non-expert audiences) and using the supports and / or resources that make them more effective oral and written productions CE4- Use the appropriate sources of information to update knowledge on advances in research and on methods and proposals for intervention CG4- Critically analyze the data and know how to interpret and extract significant results CG7- Formally express the relationships between the variables involved in a problem, using the main computer, mathematical and statistical instruments to solve them ECOCE4- Apply the basic tools of statistical inference and models.


1. - Descriptive Statistics - Bivariate inference - ANOVA and regression models - Confounding and modification of the effect


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Sessió participativa 30,00 0 10,00 40,00
Sessió pràctica 30,00 0 10,00 40,00
Treball en equip 0 30,00 0 30,00
Total 60,00 30,00 20,00 110


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    Participation in face-to-face sessions Participation in face-to-face sessions, proportional grade on a scale of 0-30. 30 No
    Level of participation and discussion in the face-to-face sessions Level of participation and discussion in the face-to-face sessions, proportional grade on a scale from 0 to 30. 30 No
    Presentation and correction of the final course work Presentation and correction of the final course work, proportional grade on a scale of 0 to 40. 40 No


    Students will be graded according to the following parameters:
    1. Participation in face-to-face sessions, proportional grade on a scale of 0-30.
    2. Level of participation and discussion in the face-to-face sessions, proportional grade on a scale from 0 to 30
    3. Presentation and correction of the final work of course, proportional note in a scale of 0 to 40.

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
    Any of the following conditions:
    Not having participated mostly in the face-to-face sessions.
    Failure to submit the final course project.

    Avaluació única:
    There is no single assessment in this subject

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    To be considered to have passed the subject, a minimum grade of 5.0 must be obtained


    e-mail to:

    Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

    e-mail to:

    Modificació del disseny

    Modificació de les activitats:
    In a part-time classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The virtual adaptation of the subject does not imply any change in the evaluation criteria and the weighting of the activities described in the original design.

    In a fully virtual classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The approach is the same, by videoconference through one of the platforms recommended by the University.

    Modificació de l'avaluació:
    In a part-time classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The virtual adaptation of the subject does not imply any change in the evaluation criteria and the weighting of the activities described in the original design.

    In a fully virtual classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The approach is the same, by videoconference through one of the platforms recommended by the University.

    Tutoria i comunicació:
    In a part-time classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The virtual adaptation of the subject does not imply any change in the evaluation criteria and the weighting of the activities described in the original design.

    In a fully virtual classroom setting due to COVID-19:

    The approach is the same, by videoconference through one of the platforms recommended by the University.

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