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Curs acadèmic:
Desenvolupament d'una tesi o treball d'investigació original relacionat amb la temàtica de la mecànica de materials i estructures


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Norbert Blanco Villaverde  / Francesc Xavier Cahis i Carola  / Joan Colomer Llinas  / Josep Costa Balanzat  / Emilio Vicente Gonzalez Juan  / Pere Maimi Vert  / Lino Montoro Moreno  / Antoni Pujol Sagaró  / Jordi Renart Canalias
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB02 Aplicar els coneixements adquirits i resoldre problemes en entorns nous o no familiars i en contextos més amplis i multidisciplinaris relatius al seu camp d'estudi
  • CB03 Ser capaç d'integrar coneixements i enfrontar-se a la complexitat de formular judicis a partir d'una informació que, sent incompleta o limitada, inclogui reflexions sobre les responsabilitats socials i ètiques vinculades a l'aplicació dels seus coneixements i judicis.
  • CB04 Saber comunicar les conclusions - els coneixements i raons últimes que les sustenten-a públics especialitzats o no especialitzats d'una manera clara i sense ambigüitats
  • CB06 Sintetitzar i contrastar textos científics i aplicar-los a la creació i transferència de coneixement
  • CT01 Utilitzar la llengua anglesa
  • CT02 Recollir i seleccionar informació de manera eficaç
  • CT03 Utilitzar tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació
  • CE07 Seleccionar i integrar les disciplines associades a la mecànica de materials i estructures i nous desenvolupaments associats per a la seva aplicació en la investigació i transferència de coneixement
  • CE08 Utilitzar de forma avançada tècniques numèriques i aplicar-les a la investigació


1. Final master project


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 10,00 250,00 0 260,00
Exposició dels estudiants 2,00 38,00 0 40,00
Total 12,00 288,00 0 300


    Avaluació i qualificació

    Activitats d'avaluació:

    Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
    Research Thesis

    The student has to develop/write a Research Thesis project. Most of the projects will be related to activities of interest to the industries that collaborate with the master and/or related to running research projects within the research group AMADE of the University of Girona. Company internships are also possible for students that prefer to undertake the bulk of their project in industry.

    The student has to deliver a document with the sections expected of a "journal paper”. However, if the topic of the Research Thesis makes difficult to develop the document in this format, a conventional format can be accepted.

    In addition, the student has to deliver a poster with a summary of the main findings/results of the work reported in the Research Thesis report.

    All documents have to be loaded in Moodle.

    A guideline is delivered to the students to know the steps to follow for the development of the Research Thesis.
    A panel of three members will assess different points:

    - Achievement of objectives

    - Adequacy of the solution and methodology

    - Results interpretation

    - Document format

    - Demonstration of knowledge

    - The comments written by the advisor in the project control sheet

    60 No
    Presentation of the Research Thesis

    a. The student has to prepare a presentation of the works developed. The defense is split in:

    - Presentation containing (maximum 18 minutes)

    - Contextualization and objectives of the work

    - Methodology followed to cover the objectives

    - Results obtained

    - Conclusions

    b. Questions and discussion with the members of the panel (10 minutes)
    The deadline for the Research Thesis document submission will be different than the defense day (at least, one week before the Research Thesis document should be submitted).

    The file of the presentation (pptx or pdf) should be loaded in Moodle before the defense scheduled time.
    A panel of three members will assess different points:

    - Clarity and correctness of the presentation

    - Results interpretation

    - Document format

    - Demonstration of knowledge

    40 No


    The final mark is the average of the report of the final master project and the presentation and discussion of results.

    Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
    The mark “No Show” (NP) will appear in the certificate in cases where the student does not deliver the report and/or does not perform the presentation of the work.

    Avaluació única:
    In the case of the Master Thesis (TFM), the "Single Evaluation" does not imply modifications with respect to what it is established for the development and defense of TFM in the conventional format.

    Requisits mínims per aprovar:
    Per considerar superada l’assignatura, caldrà obtenir una qualificació mínima de 5.0


    There will be specified weekly time frames for on-line tutorships (via GoogleMeet or any other platform approved by UdG). Electronic mail can be also used to solve questions or doubts and set tutorship appointments out of the specified times frames.

    Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

    Communication with students will be via e-mail and the News forum of the course’s Moodle. Individual on-line meetings will be possible for a personalised monitoring.


    The coordinator of the studies will deliver a guideline with all the steps to follow and other interesting information. In addition, the coordinator will support the student in any possible issue to be clarified.

    Assignatures recomanades

    • Seminaris sobre mecànica de materials i estructures

    Modificació del disseny

    Modificació de les activitats:
    The definition of Master Thesis (TFM) will try to consider, as far as possible, the telework option, in order to adapt to the corresponding scenario. It is recommended to the tutors and students of TFM that during their definition and planning make the most of during the face-to-face periods in function of the corresponding scenario at the beginning of the academic course, to be able to adapt to the telework if necessary.

    The procedure for submitting the TFM, including confidential TFMs, is specified on the corresponding course’s Moodle (TFM subject).

    In the event of a transition to a 100% face-to-face scenario, the TFM will continue its usual procedure and evaluation.

    Modificació de l'avaluació:
    The TFM evaluation procedure will not be modified, beyond the possibility of making the defense in teleconference format using Google Meet platform or similar.

    Although it will be prioritized the face-to-face defense TFM, it will be necessary to adapt to each scenario and to the protocols that are marked to ensure the safety of those involved in the act of defense.

    Tutoria i comunicació:
    If the evolution of the pandemic results in a more restricted scenario, the course will become totally on-line but with the same terms and conditions. On the contrary, if the evolution of the pandemic results in a less restrictive scenario, the course will continue under the same terms and conditions except for the tutorships, which might take place on-site for on-site students.

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