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Curs acadèmic:
Factors neurobiològics, psicològics i psicosocials associats a les conductes addictives. Intervencions per a la prevenció de les conductes addictives. Maneig i opcions terapèutiques en el tractament de les conductes addictives. El model transteòric del canvi i l'entrevista motivacional en l'abandonament de les addiccions. Imatge social del addicte. Prevalença i càrrega de malaltia atribuïble a l'alcohol i altres drogues.
Crèdits ECTS:


Grup A

Semestral, 2n semestre
Maria Pilar Avila Castells  / Abel Lopez Bermejo  / JUAN LUCAS PONS LALAGUNA  / Fabiana Silvia Scornik Gerzenstein
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • Reconèixer els elements essencials de la professió mèdica, que incloguin els principis ètics, les responsabilitats legals i l'exercici professional centrat en el pacient
  • Desenvolupar la pràctica professional amb respecte pels altres professionals de la salut, adquirint habilitats de treball en equip
  • Comunicar-se de manera efectiva i clara, tant oralment com per escrit, amb els pacients, els familiars, els mitjans de comunicació i altres professionals
  • Conèixer, valorar críticament i saber utilitzar les fonts d'informació clínica i biomèdica per a obtenir, organitzar, interpretar i comunicar la informació científica i sanitària
  • Saber utilitzar les tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació en les activitats clíniques, terapèutiques, preventives i d'investigació
  • Tenir, en l'activitat professional, un punt de vista crític, creatiu, amb escepticisme constructiu i orientat a la recerca
  • Garantir el coneixement adequat de la llengua anglesa, tant oral com escrita, tenint en compte les especificitats del registre mèdic per a poder comunicar-se eficaçment a la comunitat internacional científica i professional


1. Define addiction, dependence, habituation, abuse, harmful use and compulsion.

2. Characterize the social image of the addicted person and the attitudes to drug consumption in health professionals along history

3. Expose the prevalence of drug consumption for the different substances in Catalonia as well as in Spain, in Europe and in the World and the percentage of persons entering treatment by each drug.

4. Give an account of the mortality and burden of disease attributable to alcohol and other drugs.

5. Identify the major sociological and psychological factors associated with increased risk of addiction and explain the evidence which indicates they are the most important determinants.

6. Describe some of the different settings for addiction prevention and the interventions with evidence of effectiveness in each setting. Specifically, detail the strategy for addiction prevention from the sanitary services (Brief Intervention, Transtheoric Model of Change, Motivational Interviewing).

7. Recognize the indicators that a behavior has became an addiction

8. Determine the neurocognitive processes involved in addiction.

9. Using examples, illustrate how an addiction is managed inside the Health Care System.

10. Outline the therapeutic interventions currently employed in the treatment of addictions (Pharmacological, Inpatient units, Cognitive-Conductual Therapy, Group Therapy, Family Therapy, Therapeutic Community, Risk reduction, etc.) and indicate their grade of effectiveness.

11. Using examples, asses, design and implement biopsychosocial interventions for the treatment of patients with tobacco and alcohol addiction.

12. Evaluate the evidence for Complementary and Alternative treatments for addiction (Hypnosis, Acupuncture, Herbs and Plants, Bioresonance, etc.).


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 7,00 0 7,00
Aprenentatge basat en problemes (PBL) 18,00 72,00 90,00
Cerca i anàlisi d'informació 1,00 0 1,00
Prova d'avaluació 4,00 22,00 26,00
Sessió expositiva 6,00 0 6,00
Total 36,00 94,00 130


Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
PBL sessions (3 case scenarios) Learning Abilities (25%)
Communication (25%)
Responsibility (25%)
Interpersonal Relationships (25%)
Exam First part: relevance to the learning objectives, relevance to the problem or situation and justification of the 4 chosen topics. Second part: accreditation of knowledge acquired by means of some questions related to the 2 selected topics. Readability and conciseness of both parts. 40


Evaluation has two parts (PBL sessions and PBL exam) and both of them must be passed independently.

- PBL sessions evaluation will account for 60% of the module evaluation.
Criteria (Grade proportion)
Responsibility (25%)
Learning abilities (25%)
Communication (25%)
relationships (25%)

- The PBL exam is going to account for the other 40%.
1st Part
Criteria for each of the 4 topics (Grade proportion)
Relevance to the learning objectives (2%)
Relevance to the situation (2%)
Justification (6%)

2nd Part
Criterion for each of the 2 questions (Grade proportion)
Accreditation of knowledge acquired within the question context (25%)

Both parts
Criterion (Grade proportion)
Readability and conciseness (10%)

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
Not attending at the PBL sessions


When a behaviour seems to be strongly driven by forces outside the person’s voluntary control and, specially, when the person continues with this behaviour despite the experience of the significant physical and/or psychological problems being caused by this behaviour we judge this dysfunctional conduct to be an addiction.
For a long time the addiction field has been a cardinal medical concern because of its serious health repercussions. The mortality and morbidity derived from maladaptive habits (specially tobacco and alcohol consumption) are of the utmost relevance to public health in the developed countries above all because they are preventable, becoming an imperative to any person involved in the medical profession to be proficient in the understanding, assessment and management of an addiction.
Unfortunately, the attitude and beliefs of the medical profession toward people engaged in drug abuse or in addictive behavioural patterns continue to show negative, even intolerant dispositions. Clinical staff in primary care and in hospitals commonly place alcoholics and drug addicts very low on the list of patients whom they would like to treat. This bias influences the healing approach and is, clearly, an obstacle to problem resolution. Therefore, a specific training in addiction to all medical personnel is indispensable in order to change this stigmatizing and counter therapeutic attitude.
Opportunely, in the short space of time of two decades, there has been a paradigm shift in the interpretation of what addiction is, from considering it a personality vice or a breakdown in the person’s ability to exercise normal intentional control over their behaviour, to addiction being viewed as a neurobiological brain disorder involving unconscious learning and responsive to a neurocognitive rehabilitation.
This elective is addressed to students interested to survey, probe and handle the addiction range.

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