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Curs acadèmic:


Grup A

Carolina Marti Llambrich
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (0%), Anglès (100%)

Grup B

Carolina Marti Llambrich
Idioma de les classes:
Castellà (100%), Anglès (0%)


  • CE1 Idear, promoure i aplicar instruments i tècniques de planificació i direcció del turisme
  • CE3 Dissenyar i aplicar, en les organitzacions i institucions turístiques, sistemes de Qualitat i gestió mediambiental, econòmica i social
  • CE5 Detectar i gestionar la complexitat de les destinacions i els productes turístics
  • CE6 Identificar les noves tendències en el turisme per promoure, de manera creativa, l'adaptació als nous escenaris
  • CG2 Comunicar-se en llengua anglesa, en diferents formats i contextos (entorns laborals, presentacions, coferències, fòrums, seminaris, congresos...) amb el conjunt de la comunitat acadèmica i la societat en general, sobre temes relacionats amb el turisme


1. On the first day of class there will be a brief presentation of the course and an introduction about the new strategies set up for managing mature tourist resorts, using the Costa Brava as an example.


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 65,00 10,00 75,00
Total 65,00 10,00 75


  • CALS, J. (Director), CAPELLÀ, J. i VAQUÉ, E. (1997). Gestió Pública del Turisme. Manual per a les administracions locals. Barcelona: Fundació Carles Pi i Sunyer d'Estudis Autonòmics i Locals. Catàleg
  • DONAIRE, J. A. i MUNDET, Ll. (2002). Estrategias de reconversión turística de los municipios litorales catalanes. Papers de Turisme, (29), 50-65 Catàleg
  • LOPEZ PALOMEQUE, F. (2004). La gestión pública del turismo en Cataluña. Investigaciones Geográficas, (34), 5-27 Catàleg
  • NOUGUÉ, J. (1989). Paisaje y Turismo. Estudios Turísticos, (103), 35-45 Catàleg
  • PEARCE, D. (1997). Tourism and the Autonomous Communities in Spain. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 156-177 Catàleg
  • PRIESTLEY, G. K. i MUNDET, Ll. (1998). The post-stagnation phase of the resort cycle. Annals of Tourism Research, 25(1), 85-111 Catàleg

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat %
Three field trips are scheduled 30
Presentation of group project (4 students minimum per group) to the rest of the class 40
Assignments 30


The mark will be obtained from the sum of the qualification obtained in:

Field Trips: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30%
Team Project: 40%
Individual Essay: 30% (about: LANDSCAPE, TOURISM and HOME. Between 1,500 - 2,000 words, handed by the 4th November)
A team project (minimum of four students per team assuming the role –as real as possible! – of local agents working in the tourism sector) will have to be presented and defended in front of the other members of the class (15 minutes maximum!) and will be marked by the professor and by class companions using the scale 0-10 (where 0-4,9 = Fail, 5 – 6,9 = Pass, 7 – 8,9 = Notable, 9 – 10 = Excellent). Your comments about every presentation will be greatly appreciated but, remember to be professional and use constructive language for both negative and positive comments.
There is neither maximum nor minimum about the number of slides of the power point presentation but, remember that you only have 15 minutes! Make a rehearsal before to know if you’re getting short of time... (Presentation and oral defense = 60% of the mark)
You may choose any tourist resort as an example and apply some of the policies shown in the subject or on any of our field trips.
If you include a SWOT analysis, find a maximum of 5 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Which measures/policies will you implement to overcome these problems? What are you going to do to make it work different?
A brief summary of four pages (maximum) and the power point presentation should be send to my email: at the end of the presentation (no paper at all!) (Content and written report = 40% of the mark).
Note: Oral presentation is more weighted in the final mark because it has been considered that, nowadays, if you have to play the role of tourism officers working in the public sector you have to be able to effectively present your points to the politicians in charge of your area, that is, going straight to the point with clear proposals.

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