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Dades generals

Curs acadèmic:
While in many industries and public administrations the dominant relations are intra-organizational, in the tourism industry, inter-organizational relations are particularly relevant. Therefore, the management of inter-organizational networks like tourism public-private partnerships, tourism businesses associations and clubs, tourism supply chains, clusters, inter-governmental relations, tourism community organizations and multi-stakeholder networks are given prevalence. These, and tourism governance, understood as a process of conducting coordinated activities among public, private and civic actors, are relevant topics of the subject. This need of cooperation is not restricted to traditional tourism business, but extends to all the economic sectors, the products and services of which are directly or indirectly used by tourists visiting their destination. Consequently, in this course we discuss some conceptual models and mechanisms available to the tourist product suppliers and/or destination managers, and the local communities, to try to implement effective tourism strategies by means of co-operation.


Grup A

Semestral, 1r semestre
Carolina Inés Aldao  / Daniel Blasco Franch
Idioma de les classes:
Anglès (100%)


  • CB 1 - Aprenentatge i la creativitat competències: el desenvolupament d'una actitud proactiva cap a la innovació, la capacitat d'adaptar-se als canvis i nous entorns, habilitats per a la presa de decisions i resoldre problemes en situacions d'incertesa, la capacitat per desenvolupar noves idees i utilitzar de manera creativa en un context de gestió, l'ús de la coneixements i capacitats obtinguts en els diferents contextos culturals, la capacitat d'integrar i crear nous coneixements, i fer judicis en entorns complexos i incerts
  • CB 2 - Competències analítiques: capacitat per a definir i seleccionar les prioritats per a l'assoliment dels objectius, el desenvolupament de la consciència crítica per interpretar i avaluar els resultats analítics, la capacitat d'emetre judicis amb informació incompleta o inconsistent, o on no hi ha codis d'ètica o professional o pràctiques d'orientació
  • CB 3 - Competències analítiques: capacitat per definir i seleccionar les prioritats per a l'assoliment dels objectius, el desenvolupament de la consciència crítica per interpretar i avaluar els resultats analítics, la capacitat d'emetre judicis amb informació incompleta o inconsistent, o on no hi ha codis d'ètica o professional o pràctiques d'orientació, la capacitat de cercar, seleccionar i analitzar la literatura rellevant a la investigació i resolució de problemes complexos
  • CB 4 - Competències de comunicació: capacitat de comunicar-se eficaçment conclusions de la investigació i el seu marc conceptual a una diversitat d'audiències, la capacitat d'articular els coneixements adquirits en les presentacions orals i escrites, capacitat d'escollir i aplicar les estratègies de comunicació apropiades de acord amb els objectius estratègics generals de l'organització
  • CB 5 - Competències de l'organització: capacitat per treballar en contextos de responsabilitat social, la capacitat de negociar i arribar a acords justos, la capacitat d'organitzar i dirigir grups o equips intercultural, la capacitat per identificar l'equip d'organització, i les competències individuals, la capacitat per planificar de manera integral i aplicar de forma més equitativa i estratègies sostenibles de desenvolupament turístic per a les generacions presents i futures
  • CE 11 -Capacitat d'explicar les destinacions turístiques com a sistemes complexos i les xarxes socials i coordinar la diversitat d'actors involucrats en el desenvolupament i gestió de destinacions turístiques i productes turístics


1. This course will introduce students to Value Chain Analysis. Other relevant concepts, e.g. community involvement, public - private collaboration, cultural issues, business networks, etc., will be introduced cuncurrently.

2. This course will introduce students to Value Chain Analysis. Other relevant concepts, e.g. community involvement, public-private collaboration, cultural issues, business network, etc. will be introduced concurrently. Main Contents: I. Tourism as a system II. Tourism Value Chain Analysis


Tipus d’activitat Hores amb professor Hores sense professor Hores virtuals amb professor Total
Anàlisi / estudi de casos 16,00 1,00 0 17,00
Exposició dels estudiants 1,00 0 0 1,00
Sessió expositiva 16,00 20,00 0 36,00
Treball en equip 0 82,00 0 82,00
Tutories de grup 14,00 0 0 14,00
Total 47,00 103,00 0 150


  • Bolwig, S., Ponte, S., du Toit, A., Riisgaard, L. & Halberg, N. (2010). Integrating Poverty and Environmental Concerns into Value-Chain Analysis: A Conc. Development Policy Review, 28(2), 173-194
  • Briassoulis, H. (2017). Tourism destinations as multiplicities: The view from Assemblage Thinking. International Journal of Tourism Research, 19(), 304-307
  • Jóhannesson, G. T., & Lund, K. A. (2019). Beyond overtourism: studying the entanglements of society and tourism in Iceland. Dins (Ed.), Overtourism: Excesses, discontents and measures in travel and tourism (, p. 91-106). CABI.
  • Leiper, N. (1979). The framework of tourism. Towards a definition of tourism, tourist and the.... Annals of Tourism research, 6(4), 390-407
  • Phi, G. T. (2021). Development-Tourism and Poverty Alleviation: Towards an Integrative Framework. Dins (Ed.), Handbook of Research on the Role of Tourism in Achieving SDGs (, p. 20-41). IGI Global..
  • Rylance, A., & Spenceley, A. (2017). Reducing economic leakages from tourism: A value chain assessment of the.... Development Southern Africa, 34(3), 295-313
  • Saayman, M. and Giampiccoli, A. (2016). Community-based and pro-poor tourism: Initial assessment of their relation to.... European Journal of Tourism Research, 12(), 145-190
  • Scheyvens, R. & Hughes, E. (2019). Can tourism help to “end poverty in all its forms everywhere”? The challenge.... Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 27(7), 1061-1079
  • Sofield, T., Li, S. & Tamasese, E. (2011). samoa: Tourism led poverty reduction programme. a.
  • V. R. Van Der Duim., & J. Caalders (2008). Tourism Chains and Pro-Poor Tourism Development: An Actor-Network Analysis of a . Current Issues in Tourism,, 109-125

Avaluació i qualificació

Activitats d'avaluació:

Descripció de l'activitat Avaluació de l'activitat % Recuperable
Article readings Critical argument/question 10 No
Resolution and evaluation of case studies Quality evaluation of case studies 15 No
Preparation of the final course project Quality of the project’s written report 40 No
Project presentation Quality of the project’s presentation 25 No
Contribution to teamwork Individual contribution to team performance & communication skills shown in discussions 10 No


The evaluation will be done on the basis of a submitted final written team report and a team presentation of the team’s activities’ results. Further instructions will be given during the course.

The presentation will follow the structure of the assignment, which will also be explained during the course. When reporting the results students should not focus solely on a description of the facts of the case, but rather focus on the assessment, its rationale, recommendations and proposals, problems, etc., always providing supporting evidence. In the analysis students should always try to anticipate potential objections to the recommendations and find convincing evidences of their suitability.

The course grades are based on the following scale: 
A - Excellent: For an excellent performance displaying a high level of command of all or nearly all the relevant aspects of the course. No aspect or only a few aspects of the course have minor weaknesses.
B - Very good: For a very good performance displaying a very good command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some of the aspects of the course have minor and/or major weaknesses, with none or only a few major weaknesses in them. No remaining aspects have serious weaknesses.
C - Good: For a good performance displaying a good command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and none or only a few of the other aspects have major weaknesses, with no remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
D - Fair: For a fair performance displaying a fair command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and some other aspects have major weaknesses, with no or only a few of the remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
E - Adequate: For a performance displaying an adequate command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the aspects of the course have minor weaknesses, and some other aspects have major weaknesses, with no or only a few of the remaining aspects having serious weaknesses.
Fx - Inadequate: For a performance, which displays inadequate command of most relevant aspects of the course. Some relevant aspects of the course have serious weaknesses, and/or most of these aspects have major weaknesses.
F - Poor: For a performance, which displays a poor command of most relevant aspects of the course. Most of the relevant aspects of the course have serious weaknesses.

The evaluation will be done according to the official grading scale based on the results of the written report, in the quality of individual participation in preparatory and classroom activities, and in the quality of individual contributions to the group’s teamwork performance.

Criteris específics de la nota «No Presentat»:
'Not presented' criteria will be given in the event that any student don't participate in the exercises and evaluation activities of the course.

Avaluació única:
Is not considered

Requisits mínims per aprovar:

To pass this course a minimum of 5 out of 10 is required.


During the course there will be some tutorial sessions where the instructor will help the teams move forward with the assignment.

Besides that, students can also arrange a personal tutorial by sending an e-mail to the lecturer.

Comunicacio i interacció amb l'estudiantat

Students can communicate with instructors by email.


Class attendance is essential to the students’ success in this course. An excused absence can only be granted in cases of illness or family emergencies. Incompatible travel plans are considered unexcused absences. It is important and professional that students notify excused absences by e-mail to the instructors in advance, and when this is not possible, just after the absented class.

In-class contributions is an important part of our shared and learning experience. You are expected to come to class on time and make individual contributions by, providing evidences from your own experiences and from compulsory readings; advancing the discussions by making insightful comments and questions; listening attentively to the instructor; showing interest in your peers' comments, questions, and presentations; giving constructive feedback to your peers when appropriate, etc.
In class and teamwork discussions, there are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers. Rather we seek thoughtful contributions. Students’ insights of great quality can compensate other minor weaknesses found in other activities. A high ‘quality’ insight offers a different yet relevant point of view, is open to criticism, and moves the subject discussions forward.

Compulsory Readings
You are expected to read all the compulsory readings listed in the syllabus, well before the course starts. You might be required and/or expected to refer to all these materials, even if they are not explicitly presented, introduced or discussed in class. Classroom activities are not supposed to go through all these contents, but introduce selected topics and discussions from among all those present in the basic readings. After the readings, students are encouraged to propose topics and questions of interests for further discussion during the course, and sent them to the EMTM Consortium secretariat before the course starts.

Cell phone and laptop use
The time spent in lectures has been reduced to a bare minimum. To make the most of this time, full attention and involvement from the students are expected. You are welcome to bring your phones, laptops and other electronic devices, which you should only use for educational purposes / in class related tasks. Lack of compliance with this requirement will be considered as a weakness.

Submission of assignments
Late assignments will either not be accepted or will incur in a grade penalty unless due to documented serious illness or family emergency.

Classroom Norms
Students must arrive to class on time and stay until the end of the class period. Chronically arriving late or leaving class early is unprofessional and disruptive to the entire class.  Lack of attendance, repeated tardiness, and lack of proper attention may have a negative impact on your grade.

Teamwork rules
Business activities involve group effort. Consequently, learning how to work effectively in a group is a critical part of competence building.
Every member is expected to carry an equal share of the group’s workload. As such, it is in everybody’s interest to be involved in all aspects of the project. Even when groups distribute some tasks among the individual members, the responsibility of the results are always shared by all the members. The group project will be graded as a whole: its different components will not be graded separately. 
It is recommended that each group establishes ground rules early in the process to facilitate joint teamwork, including a problem-solving process for handling conflicts. In the infrequent case where students believe that a group member is not carrying out his or her fair share of work, they are urged not to permit problems to develop to a point where they become serious. If students cannot resolve conflicts internally after their best efforts, they should be brought to our attention and we will help to find a resolution.
Students will also be asked to complete a peer formative evaluation form to evaluate the contribution of each of the group members (including your own contribution) at the conclusion of the project. If there is consensus that a group member did not contribute a fair share of work to the project, it will be counted as a weakness for that individual.

Modificació del disseny

Modificació de les activitats:
In case of lockdown, all classes will be conducted as planned through Moodle.

Modificació de l'avaluació:
In case of lockdown, all evaluation activities will be conducted as planned through Moodle.

Tutoria i comunicació:
Tutoring and communication with students will be conducted as defined in the Tutoring and Communication tab in all scenarios

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